Home again

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When I walked through the front door of my house I was just overwhelmed with joy. I have always hated being in a hospital. A hospital is where people go to die sometimes and that thought just really upsets me.

"Welcome home Cynthia."

"Thanks Henry."

"Now sweet heart I have to go out to get some food shopping. You two want anything?"

"Oh yeah mum me and Henry are having a movie night so can you get some snacks and stuff. We are ordering a pizza for dinner."

"Ok darling whatever you want."

Five minutes later my mum went to go and get the food and me and Henry had to find something to do until she got back.

"Henry can I ask you some more questions. Sorry am I starting to sound like a trivia box?"

"No. You just lost some of your memory."

"My mum told me what your dad did."


"Have you seen him since he left?"

"No and I don't want to see him either."

"That is understandable. Has he tried to contact your mum?"

"Yeah. His excuse was that he didn't see her enough. Which just made her angry because it is him that is never around."

"What a horrible man!"

"Yeah he really is. I am glad you didn't meet him before the accident....."

"Because if he had. He would have been at the hospital. If I had met him and still remembered what he did I would have thrown the soap container at his head."

"Thanks Cynthia."

"No problem....."

Since I met him... well met him again... Henry has looked as if he needs to be looked after instead of him constantly looking after other people.


"Yeah. What is it?"

"I have something for you......" I went to the kitchen drawer and pulled out my diary....

"Why are you giving me your diary?"

"Keep it..... if I enjoyed something I wrote it down in here. Do not read it unless you have to ok. Promise me. And my mum also gave me these." I showed him teh two letters.

"She told me not to read them unless I have to. So you need to make the promise aswell."

"Ok. I promise not to read this unless I have to. But what if you want to remember your memories... how will you do that if I have your diary...."

"Those memories will be in the letters won't they........."

"I guess you have a point."


Henry's POV

Is it a sign that she has given me her diary. She told me not to read it unless I really have to.... what does that mean. Has she started to get some of her memory back or does she just want to know who I really am? I have never been this confused in my entire life. I guess I have to keep myself together or Cynthia will start to worry.

"I'm back." Well I guess Fran just got back.

"Hi mum.."

We both got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey guys. I got your snacks."

"Mum is three bags of snacks necessary....."

"Yes. I want to spoil you considering you were fed by a tube for six days and then you had to eat that awful hospital food."

"Thanks mum."

"Yeah thanks Fran. My mum insists on visiting everyday if that is ok."

"Yes of course it is. I have plenty of spare cake I need to get rid of anyway."

An hour later me and Cynthia each had a pizza in our laps, and weirdly enough we were watching the notebook. Bit awkward though, I am in love with her and we are watching a move about love........

After the film had finished Cynthia was already asleep. Poor thing, she didn't really sleep much at the hospital.

I turned the TV off and picked Cynthia up and carried her to her bedroom.

When I put her down on the bed she fidgeted a little bit before settling down and all I could think to myself was "please remember me"


When I woke up the next morning I could smell frying bacon. I got up and walked into the kitchen and I saw something purely shocking........

"Cynthia are you making breakfast."


"Wow am I in a paralell universe."

"Don't be cheeky."

"Cheeky is my middle name."

"You wish.."

"Now who is being cheeky."

"I an way better at it."

"Wow not only are you the monopoly queen you are also the queen of cheek!"

And then she just laughed, and laughed, and laughed. I laughed with her and after we had calmed down we sat down and ate a bacon sandwich each and then discussed what to do with our day. It took a while to think of something if I am being honest.

"Come on Henry there has to be something interesting we can do today."

"We can go shopping. They have the summer stuff in already."

"OK... let's go."



"If we see any of the others just walk right past them ok."

"I know. Be the better person even though most of them helped Lauren come up with a way of killing me so they could rule the town."

"Wow...... I do not know what else to say."

"Yeah my beauty does that to people."

Wow at least one thing about her hasn't changed. Her fun and sacrcastic streak......

"You know Henry I am just glad that there is no more drama in my life."

At that point there was knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I said as i jumped up to get the door.

When i opened there was man stood there in a suit wwith a suitcase.

"Who are you?"

"I should ask you the same question...."


"Hello Cynthia..."

"You shouldn't be here....""

"I live here..."

"Well you aren't wanted here!"

"Look she does not want you here."

Before he could react her mum walked through the back door.

"Hello Luke.... I think we all need to talk."

The only thing I was thinking to myself was 'this will not end well.'

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