Five days later, We had arrived back at Meneltarma, with all of the remainder of Nimloth's forces behind us, but there was no praise being sung, nor was there songs being written. The people of Meneltarma had been touched by the war, and though they strove to rebuild their previous lives, it was the young, who in their horror and despair, made it clear that there would be no return.
We led the Soldier's through the street, including the Councillors who had betrayed. Heruevavista, Herievahande, and Nimloth, were all shackled together, and gagged, walking at the front of the column, directly behind The 52 leaders of the Army of Meneltarma, Aranellevanima, and I. We rode our horses through the streets, until, I saw a boy carrying a sled filled with rubble. I gestured the rest of the army on, and Aranellevanima and I rode over to him.
I dismounted, and asked, "Toronevameneltarma, do you have some rope?"
He nodded, and letting go the sled, he ran forward, and disappeared around a corner. We waited, and moments later, he ran around the corner with twelve feet of elven rope, which he handed to Aranellevanima, and she tied it onto the sled, then hitched it through the horses mouth, as a bit. We helped the boy onto the horse, and spent the rest of the day assisting the people of Meneltarma, in cleaning up the mess that we helped create. That we did create.
. . .
We worked all day, and got back to the College of Meneltarma, feeling fatigued, but accomplished, more than I had been feeling about anything in this war. However, My master was less than pleased by the delay caused in the trials of the traitorous councilors. "They must be tried, Saironelloistya, and you are wasting time playing hero to the people of this city. That isn't what they need. They need to know that the perpetrators who cost them the lives of their loved ones, are being held responsible, for their crimes against the state."
I was willing to let it go, and just ignore him and walk away, but Aranellevanima got right up in his face, and said. "So what if he is playing hero to the people, Herulepilin? That is what he is. Saironelloistya is a hero, and you should show him the respect he deserves."
He struck her, and within 3 seconds, I had him on the ground, and I was holding him there saying ,"You will not strike my friends, Herulepilin. I swear now, from this day on, anyone who harms my friends, will perish by my hand, no matter of rank, person, or rights. I swear by all of the Gods, and The Valar, that no one is immune to this vow, not even the councilors of Meneltarma." I let him go, and helped him up, before adding, "Please do not make yourself a part of the opposite faction, mi mellonlyerna" He nodded, and adjusting his robes, he walked away.
I turned to Aranellevanima, who was still rubbing her right cheek, where Herulepilin had struck her. "I am sorry, Aranellevanima." I apologized. "I have never known him to act with such impertinence." I gently grasped her arm, and said "Come with me, we both need to get some rest."
We walked down the hallway, in the opposite direction of where Herulepilin had departed, and continued until we reached Aranellevanima's chambers. "This is where I leave you." she said, "Saironelloistya, you are not yet responsible for the council's decisions, so you need not apologize for your master's actions." She turned, and commented,"Long has it been since I found rest behind these door." With that she entered her sleeping quarters, and shut the door.
I continued onward towards my room, thinking about how a vow spoken in haste is a vow none the less. Eventually, I reached my room, and the moment I saw my bed, after entering Herulepilin, and I's quarters, I collapsed into a fitful sleep.
. . .
At around 4:13 WTT, I was awakened by Aranellevanima, who said, "You were having a nightmare?" I nodded in affirmation, and she paused, before continuing, "So was I. Could I please sleep in here?" I nodded again, still groggy, and pulled out a cot from under my bed, before offering her the bed, which she graciously accepted.
The Legend of Saironelloistya [COMPLETED]
FantasyThis story is an attempt by me to blend Science Fiction and Fantasy, while teaching basic elvish and Dungeons and Dragons mechanics of Wizardry, in a created world following after Tolkien's themes. Credit to all those who inspired it, and I hope you...