Chapter 1~Drake

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Life is unfair. I learned that long ago at an age most boys begin to realize how great life can be, what hidden opportunities were there. But not me. I realized what hidden traps were there.

In a blink of an eye I lost everything, and my life spiraled out of control. I think it still is, but somehow I'm holding together. I hardly smile, never laugh, and go through life blindly searching for something, but I'm holding together. At least that's what I tell myself.

I nod politely at the harried workers running up and down the halls of the agency. From the outside it looks like any other glass building in San Francisco, but inside it's the second largest CIA base. Every mission on the West coast and half of the world goes through this building.

I click the button and board the elevator that I rode in so many times before. I click the button for the top floor, one that's off limits unless you have a special pass. I lean back against the wall as the elevator rushes up and listen to the beeps signaling each floor.

At the end of the hallway is a single office that occupies the entire length of the floor. Written on the glass door in silver letters is the name Paul Withers. I walk up to it and knock.

"Come in."

I turn the knob and enter as Paul's face instantly breaks out into a smile. I give him a small one in return, the best he can ever get from me. It's not that I don't like him. I just generally don't like people. Paul is okay though. After all he did take me in after my parents died. He trained me, gave me my own home, and now I have a job making more money than most average adults, and I'm not even out of high school.

"How did the job go?" he asks.

"Easy," I answer casually. All I had to do was track this foreign spy. I had to bring him into the agency for questioning. It wasn't too much of a challenge. The only bad part was I got blood on one of my favorite shirts and it's been a pain to remove it. For some reason Tide does not work well on blood. You'd think someone would think of a capable stain remover by now.

"Good to hear," Paul nods in approval. "I know I can always count on you."

"Maybe next time something a little harder?" I ask as I lean back in my chair.

Paul laughs. "Sure thing Drake. I'll see what I can do. I'll call you the next time I have something."

"Okay thanks Paul," I say.

Paul's phone begins to ring, my cue to leave. I nod my head in parting. Paul waves and is already talking quickly with the person before I'm out the door.

I head back outside and hop on to my motorcycle. I zoom through the city and make it to school with five minutes to spare.

I don't have to go to school. People go so they can get a job later, but I'm set. Sure the law requires me to sit in a room for seven hours and listen to some middle aged person talk about crap we won't use, but working for the CIA you learn how to skirt around the more pesky laws. I can't tell you how many times I've hacked into police databases to erase the photographs from the countless red lights I ran.

But Paul made me go. Something about normalcy being good for me. I tried to fight him on it but he threatened I wouldn't go on any more jobs if I didn't. So here I am learning calculus and reading and other boring stuff.

I don't bother rushing to class. Mr. Gerard is always late. I walk casually to my locker and grab my AP Bio book. Then I enter the classroom and sit in my usual desk in the back corner. I glance at the clock. Seven minutes past eight. I'm early today.

Mr. Gerard finally makes an appearance. He comes in wearing his usual geeky smile in a polo buttoned up all the way to his neck.

"Good morning class! I hope you had a wonderful break and are ready to start this new semester with a bang!"

No one responds. His smile falters slightly and he hastily ruffles the papers in his hand to fill the awkward silence. Then Gerard looks back up with a wider grin.

"It looks like we have a new student! Aria Lane! Where are you?"

A girl with straight, dark brown hair looks up reluctantly with her lips pursed. She has a pretty, round face with wide imploring eyes that hold emotions that look too intense for their grasp.

Aria lifts her hand halfway in the air. "Right here."

"Aria hi! Welcome to Bayside High School. Where are you from?" Gerard asks.

"Denver," she answers in a bored tone.

Gerard nods his head in interest. "Denver, must be pretty cold there."

Aria shrugs her shoulders. "Not really."

Gerard nods again looking crestfallen. Then he hastily begins class which is my cue to zone out. I pride myself on my ability to not pay attention. On a good day not a single word of his will enter my mind. Not that it really matters. I pass all of his tests anyway.

An hour and a half later I finally tune in to what Gerard is saying since people actually seem interested.

"We'll be switching lab partners for the new semester," he announces.

Some people groan while a few others cheer happily. Most are indifferent. I sneak a look at Brianna who glares at me. Thank god I won't have to work with her anymore.

Our partnership worked out well in the beginning. We'd meet, I'd sit there, and she'd do all of the work. She didn't mind as long as I kept her company. She'd always get super close and accidentally brush up against me while fluttering her eyelashes. Brianna was practically screaming for me to get together with her. So I gave her what she wanted. We made out for a while, hooked up a few times, but then all of a sudden she wanted to make it into something more. Something with commitment. Gross. I told her I wasn't interested and that was the end of our perfect little system.

"Drake Colbert and Aria Lane."

I raise my eyebrows. New girl. This should be interesting.

I look over at Aria and see her lean over to Elena, the girl sitting next to her. Elena points back at me and Aria turns her head. I meet her gaze and her mouth parts slightly. I can see her eyes widen as they quickly scan my body. I smirk a little at her and Aria turns away quickly.

New girl. This should be easy.


Yay new story!  Just a short chapter to start things off.  Hope you like it!

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