Chapter 4~Drake

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Late Sunday afternoon I finally trudge back home and throw my stuff on the floor. Martin and I brought Mendez to the office in Puerto Rico and went to our hotel to take a quick nap as the people there processed everything. We came back later that afternoon but weren't able to get much out of him. The little we did worried us more and more.

"He's only a middleman," Martin said with a shake of his head. "This thing is bigger than we thought."

"You think they're international?" I asked.

Martin just shrugged. "No way to tell unless we do more research. The people here can keep trying to get something out of him but I doubt they will. Mendez seems pretty clueless."

After the interview that left us with more questions than before, we boarded the jet and flew back to San Francisco. We reported to Paul and then went our separate ways. Martin had another job to take care of while I just went home.

I don't bother doing anything for the rest of the day. I just sit around playing video games, watch an action movie, stuff like that. Then I decide to sleep early since I haven't slept for almost forty eight hours.

A long time later an incessant ringing wakes me up. I groan as I see that it's my alarm clock, but when I go to switch it off I see that it reads 11:24. I've slept through the alarm for over four hours. That must be a new record. I sit up with a groan and rub my eyes. I'm still tired despite all of that sleep.

I roll lazily out of bed in my boxers and the shirt from the night before. There's no point going to school since half of the day is over. Besides I think I deserve a break. I stopped a drug deal and probably discovered one of the biggest rings in the world today. Yeah I deserve a break.

I power on my computer and groan in annoyance. Seven unread mail messages from none other than Aria. This girl sure knows how to get on someone's nerves. I open the latest one that was sent a little more than an hour ago.

Drake you better have been doing your part since you decided not to show up today and Gerard gave us time to work. I've done my part so you better step up. If you don't you'll be sorry!!! Email me your part if you feel like not showing up again tomorrow.


I lean my head in my hands and rub the sides. I think I can feel a headache coming. Why couldn't I just get those meek kids that I could pressure into doing everything? Instead I get stuck with the most outspoken girl in the class. Nothing ever seems to be in my favor.

I scoot my chair closer as I type up a quick response.

Yeah I got you. No need for the hundreds of emails.


After that I decide to humor Aria and open my book to begin the research. Just to annoy her I even send her a picture of me glaring at the camera with my bio book in front of me. I'm sure she'll love that.

There actually wasn't too much on this list Aria gave me. I was able to finish everything quickly and decide that my couple pages of notes will be enough to satisfy her. I place them in my backpack and bring them with me the next day.

Unfortunately I make a pretty depressing discovery the next morning. I'm out of cereal. I always feel the box growing lighter but for some reason I never connect that observation with the need to buy more.

Since I have nothing to eat I quickly throw on my jacket and backpack and hop on to my motorcycle. I zoom through the empty streets. It's still early and the sun is barely rising. It's my favorite time of the day. The air is still crisp with life and it's a moment of peace before the chaos of the day.

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