Chapter 2~Aria

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Entering the halls of this new school and seeing the seas of people, I was suddenly questioning what made me want to move cities and go to a new school halfway through the year. Sure I was feeling entirely suffocated. Between a home where no one ever spoke to anyone anymore and a school where everyone had the same opinion, I wanted out.

But a change this drastic. I wasn't so sure anymore. It wasn't like preschool where I could just walk up to the first person and say, "Hey want to be friends?" Now everyone had their own groups they aren't always keen to let people into. I just needed one friend. That was it.

So far I was doing okay. I was late to class but luckily Gerard hadn't arrived yet. But I think I can check the 'find a friend' off my list. Me and this girl named Elena started talking at the beginning of class and she seems really nice.

Elena had wavy brunette hair and was a couple inches smaller than me. She had a bright, graphic shirt matched with a floral skirt. I thought the combination would be clashing but she pulled it off.

I hear Gerard calling my name, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Aria Lane and Drake Colbert!" He says, announcing my new lab partner for the rest of the year.

"Who's that?" I ask. I turn to Elena who has a sympathetic scowl on her face as she looks at me.

"That guy over there." She nods her head to the back corner. I follow her direction and my eyes widen in shock.

Leaning back lazily in the desk is a boy with perfectly tanned skin. His dark wavy hair is a mess on his head yet manages to look perfect. And he definitely has a good build. That much is clear from what I can see through his black jacket and forest green shirt.

My eyes move back to his face and I catch his intense stare. Drake smirks at me, and I quickly turn away. I try to hide the heat rising to my face. I went to an all girl school before coming here. I'm not used to being around guys, especially guys that hot.

When I turn around Elena is still giving me that look. It's like someone died. "Why do you keep looking at me like that? He's hot," I tell her. Honestly I could've been left with much worse.

Elena groans dramatically from my lack of understanding. She leans in close. "Because that's Drake Colbert. Sure he's drop dead gorgeous, but he's a pain to work with. Everyone hopes they don't get paired with him. I also heard he fools around a lot."

I sigh. I should've known he was too good to be true. It's impossible that smirk wasn't hiding any secrets.

"Well looks like I'll have to make the best of it," I tell Elena.

The bell goes off and everyone scrambles from their seat and out the door.

"Catch you for lunch later?" Elena asks as she gathers her stuff.

I nod my head with a relieved smile. "I'll be there."

'Find a friend,' check. Elena waves and walks out of the room with a little sway in her step. I see Drake walking out and I rush to meet him in the hall. I join the herd of people rushing to their next class and try to avoid bumping into people.

Finally I reach Drake. Standing up I see that he's a whole head taller than me. I tap him on the shoulder. Drake slows to a stop and turns towards me with a hint of annoyance. Okay obviously not a people person.

"Hi," I greet. "I'm Aria, apparently your lab partner for the rest of the year."

"I know," Drake answers. His voice has a touch of huskiness. Drake looks behind his shoulder and then back at me.

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