Chapter 3~Drake

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Who knew girls could be so annoying? I barely met with Aria for half an hour before she effectively ruined the rest of my day. She was a demanding and bossy control freak. Usually I can just charm people into doing what I want, especially girls. One smirk was all it took with Brianna.

I caught Aria staring in class. I thought she'd be as easy to push around as any other girl, but Aria is something else. She's hardly fazed. However at the end of the day I think I won. I mean she was the one who stormed out. Besides it's just a matter of time before she cracks.

I turn the corner and pull my motorcycle into my driveway. I live in a modest sized house on the hillside right outside the city. There aren't too many other houses around but I don't feel totally alone up here. It makes the place peaceful, and every morning a fog blankets the area, giving it a dreamlike quality.

The house is pretty pricy even for San Francisco standards but it's worth it. Besides I need something to spend my money on. I already have the best motorcycle there is and the newest technology, and there's still money to spare.

I open my front door and quickly shut off the alarm system before booting up my computer and heading to the kitchen for a snack. I scan the shelves of my pantry before landing on the jar of Nutella. I grab it along with some ice cream cones and head over to the couch.

Before I even get to sit down my computer pings, signaling that I have an email. I walk over, read the screen, and groan slightly. It's from that annoying girl Aria. I reluctantly open it and see a list of demands closed nicely with a threat. Well isn't she a sweet girl? Not.

I decide Aria can wait as I go back to my spot on the couch and begin eating my snack. Unfortunately I don't get very far when my phone suddenly begins to ring. I check the caller ID. Martin.

Martin was my closest friend. One of my only in fact, but we didn't see each other often since he lived in Britain. The only time we really hang out is during an assignment. Not the most ideal arrangement but hey it's fun.

I pick up the phone and put it against my ear. "What's up?" I ask, and I hear Martin's accented voice answer.

"Hey mate! Boss has a job for us. Just go to the airport. There should be a file debriefing you there."

"Where are we going?"

"Don't remember. Rio, Puerto Rico, one of those places there. I'm about to board the jet," Martin answers distractedly. "See you there!"

I hang up the phone and put it into my pocket. Looks like I'm not going to be having my snack. I go to my room and grab the backpack I always bring on missions and my black jacket. Then I hop back on my motorcycle and rush over to the airport.

One of the perks of working for the CIA is that I get to avoid airport security which is an extra pain at the San Francisco airport. The security guards there act so grumpy, yet they're the ones forcing us to pass through. I never understood it.

So without all of that extra airport business I was able to board the jet and take off in half an hour. Perk number two the whole jet is better than first class seats. It's a private jet, not too big, but comfortable enough. It has large seats, even a long cushioned bench taking up one side that I can lay on. There's a mini bar in the back and the bathroom is actually a bathroom. Not those endless pits disguised as toilets.

I put my stuff down on one of the chairs and spot the file with the information about the mission lying on the table. I pick it up a flip through the pages.

So Martin was right. We are going to Puerto Rico. Apparently the US finally found some information pertaining to one of the drug dealers who was quickly gaining prominence. It's enough that they're hoping that after Martin and I go in they'll have the head in custody and the organization will fall apart. Looks like Paul took what I said into consideration. This one is definitely more challenging than my last job.

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