Chapter 29~Aria

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Sitting in the hospital was quite boring. I couldn't move out of the bed except to go to the bathroom. Plus there were only so many channels on the television. At least my injuries were quickly on the way to being healed and I was beginning to resemble a black and blue zombie less and less each day.

Thank god for Drake, Megan, and Martin. Somehow they managed to charm the hospital staff into letting them stay past visiting hours. I have a suspicion it took some lying since one time I asked where Megan and Martin went, and the nurse replied my cousins were just getting some food. Drake gave me a look telling me to go with it.

Drake hardly left my side since I woke up. Megan and Martin pretty much have to force him to go home and take care of himself. Even then he's not gone for more than half an hour. Drake has been the perfect caretaker. He buys me food and makes sure I'm entertained. So I guess my stay here definitely could have been worse.

I glance at the cards in my hand. I debate with myself for a moment and then place a couple pieces of chocolate into the growing pile. All four of us are playing poker. Usually I'm pretty good but right now I'm losing. It's hard playing with three CIA agents who are trained to read people like this.

"Fold," Megan says in defeat.

"Fold," Martin seconds.

I glance at Drake with my eyebrows raised questioningly. He just smirks.

"I raise you," he places two more pieces in. I frown a bit. I'll only have four pieces left, but I decide to go for it all the way. I have a feeling I might win this round.

I glance one more time at my cards and up at Drake. I see him absent mindedly aligning his chocolate into a straight line. I keep my smile in. Drake and I look up at each other and at the same time we place our cards down.

I yell out in triumph while Drake groans angrily. I laugh as I take all of the chocolate. There was enough that I won the game. Megan and Martin give me high fives.

"Drake always wins. It's annoying," Megan says.

"No one knows his tell," Martin says.

I look at Drake with a smug smile. His eyes widen a bit. "I think I figured it out."

"No way! Tell me!" Martin exclaims.

I shake my head. Megan looks at me with wide, pleading eyes. I smile apologetically at her and shake my head.

"I like winning," I tell them with a smirk.

"You know Aria wouldn't make a bad agent. Maybe she can join us," Martin says while he cleans up the cards.

I lean back in the bed I've been occupying for the past week and a half. That's an interesting thought. Fighting off bad guys around the world definitely would keep me busy.

Megan begins flipping through a fashion magazine, no doubt looking at what items she wants to purchase. Apparently their department pays remarkably well. That's how she can afford the latest high end brands, Martin can buy the fastest cars, and Drake can purchase such an expensive home.

"True, we already know she can fire a gun and she definitely has guts," Megan says without looking up from her magazine.

"That does sound exciting but I think that was enough action for me. Besides I don't think Drake likes the idea too much," I joke.

Drake is sitting tensely in his seat and he looks like he's barely breathing. His eyes are slightly wider than usual. He doesn't break from his reverie until Martin hits him lightly on the shoulder.

"Yeah I'm not liking it too much," he finally says. "While I admit you were amazing fighting everyone off, I was about to have a heart attack. I don't think I could take it with you going out on missions."

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