Chapter 20~Drake

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I had to put on the hardest act I've ever had to. Make Aria believe I didn't love her. I knew she was watching me walk though the hall up to when I met up with Megan. It all worked out perfectly. Maybe too perfectly. She saw me kissing Megan and ran out into the hall.

I glance over at Megan who is no longer wearing the smirk she flashed at Aria. She looks extremely bothered by what's happening but she knows how to act too.

"Go," she pushes gently.

I take a deep breath and nod. Then I follow after Aria only for me to stop her and break her heart.

"Aria! Aria wait!" I call out.

She doesn't stop. I run after her and turn her around to face me. The expression on her face causes me stop short. I barely even have enough time to dodge the books she throws at me.

"Don't touch me!" Aria yells. She looks conflicted as she tries to fathom what she just saw. I know what's happening. Her brain is giving her the painful truth while her heart is trying to justify it all. Only none of it will make sense.

I remind myself I'm doing this for Aria. That's what gives me the strength to spit out lie after lie behind a mask of sarcastic indifference.

I see that it's working and I hate myself. I hate myself more and more with every word I say to Aria, but I can't stop. She needs to believe I never cared because it's the best way for me to show her that I do. So even though Aria is getting more hurt I keep talking. Even when her expression of anger and betrayal causes me to break inside.

"Were you really sick or were you just hooking up with her?" Aria asks scathingly. She nods at Megan who takes the moment to walk up next to me and grab my arm almost possessively.

I can feel how tense Megan is. She hates causing people pain, but she continues to play her part. All that Aria sees is the girl who stole me away.

Aria looks at me expectantly. She's still waiting for my answer. I can't tell her I spent those days mainly thinking about her, so I just shrug my shoulders.

Then the worst thing happens. Aria doesn't get angry and shout like I desperately want her to. Her body just droops like she's given up, and when she finally looks at me, I can see that she has. That loving concern Aria used to have for me is gone, replaced by a cold scorn. She doesn't say anything more. She just shakes her head once and leaves.

I watch Aria rush away until the door closes behind her. The moment it clicks shut I sigh heavily and drop the charade, instantly feeling exhausted. Megan wraps an arm around my shoulders and squeezes gently.

I just stay there in the middle of the hall as the crowd begins to dissipate slowly. "You think she's gone?" I ask in a lifeless voice.

"Probably it's been like ten minutes already. Come on you have to get out of here," Megan says.

She begins leading me through the crowd that I dimly register. I didn't even notice them come but I honesty don't care about anything anymore. They can talk about me all they want. They already thought of me as a player anyway so this should fit right in.

We walk through the doors and I'm momentarily blinded by the sun, but once my eyes adjust I immediately wish I stayed inside. Before me is an image I'll never be able to forget. Aria is doubled over by the ground crying her heart out with a pile of books splayed around her.

I instinctively take a step towards her but Megan holds me back. I can see the sympathy in her eyes as she shakes her head. Then I remember. I caused this. I can't just go up to Aria and comfort her. I curse in exasperation and turn around. I can't look at this any longer.

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