Chapter 14~Drake

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"I hate fog. You know that right?" Martin asks as we walk. We hid my motorcycle a mile away and decided to go on foot the rest of the way.

I roll my eyes. "Yes you've only told me that four times within the last ten minutes."

Martin curses as he trips over a branch. We're currently cutting through a plot of overgrown land to get to the complex where Mateo is supposed to be. "I can't see in front of me! It messes up my hair. Plus it reminds me of a scene from a horror movie that absolutely terrified me when I was a lad."

I laugh as I easily step over a rock. Unlike Martin I was pretty used to the fog. After all it was a common nuisance in San Francisco. "Seriously a horror movie? You're trained to be fearless."

"Yeah from assassins, foreign spies, and whatnot. Not from some demon who has his own legion of the undead! And this demon just loves creeping on people in the fog. People don't see him until his hand comes from nowhere and--AGH!"

Martin angrily pushes off the branch I placed so artfully on his arm so that it looked just like a bony hand grabbing him. I start cracking up and have to stop to compose myself. Martin doesn't seem to find it as funny since he's still glaring at me.

"Not funny mate," he says in an annoyed tone.

"Who's laughing?" I ask as I try to conceal the laugher in my voice.

"Let's just go," Martin says. He goes in front of me to take the lead only to curse and trip a moment later.

I easily catch up and pass him. I smirk smugly at him but quickly sober up. We're almost there. I can hear voices and the sound of an engine running. I signal to Martin to stay quiet and don't trip. He nods in understanding and stops moving knowing he'd just fall.

I peek through the trees and see two men loading items into a truck while one barks out instructions. I'm going to bet it's drugs but I'm not here to stop a drug ring. That's for another day.

The building looks old. It's a huge warehouse with gray, crumbling walls disguised as belonging to a construction company. But no construction company would have so many security cameras.

I walk silently back to Martin and explain the plan. "Mateo is the head of the Northern California branch of the drug deal we stopped a couple months ago. It's pretty basic security. Once the truck leaves we go in, find Mateo, and get out."

"Sounds good," Martin says. "That explains why they went for you. You were getting close to finding them, but why didn't they go for me?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe cause you're really based in Britain."

That question had been bothering me all morning. Something didn't quite add up, but this was the closest I've gotten to finally fixing this problem.

I hear car doors slam and the truck pulls away. I motion to Martin. "Let's go."

We break through the trees lining the complex and move. I take out my device that should jam all the security cameras for fifteen minutes. Once I stash it back in my bag I run towards a door on the side of the building. We don't have much time and the place is huge.

I step aside to let Martin crack the security code on the door. It only takes him about thirty seconds before it slides open with a hiss.

"I think that was a record," I tell him while giving him a fist bump.

"I've been practicing," he says proudly.

The door slides shut behind us, cutting off the sunlight from outside. Now all that's left is the dim fluorescent lighting. Martin and I pull out our guns, instantly on alert. They're only for absolute emergencies though. Our goal is to stay undetected for as long as possible, so we need to have other means of dealing with unforeseen problems. The first of which comes minutes after we enter the building.

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