Chapter 21~Aria

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When Drake didn't show up for school the day after I caught him with that girl, I was initially worried before I reminded myself I shouldn't be. I shouldn't care what happens to him. Still I was relieved when he came into Bio this morning. Of course I didn't show any of that relief. I stared stoically at the front of the room even when I could feel his eyes burning into me. I felt relief but then the anger and betrayal rushed back. Needless to say I was an emotional mess.

I can't help but notice that today Drake is gone again. It's probably nothing. He's been coming to school on and off lately.

"Look who decided not to come," I say to Elena.

Elena just smirks. "I probably scared him the day before."

During Gerard's lecture yesterday she told me about confronting Drake in the hall which explained why she came in late with Drake following close behind. I really wish I was there to see that. Drake looks pretty intimidating compared to girly Elena. Then again I've never seen her really mad.

She, Jack, and Wendy have been really supportive over the past few days. I had Elena tell them what happened since I didn't want to explain everything again. Wendy called me as soon as she found out with Jack speaking up occasionally in the background.

Usually Wendy begs me to tell her everything that happens with me and Drake but besides that one phone call she hasn't mentioned him since. She offered to spread a rumor that I broke up with Drake because I found out he contracted some super contagious STD, but I told her it was fine. Even though I was mad at Drake I didn't want to make his life harder than it was. The story of his past I knew wasn't a lie.

"I could give him a good punch in the face for you," Jack offers at lunch when he notices me not really engaged in what's happening.

"Tempting," I say with a small smile. "But I don't want you to hurt yourself."

Jack looks affronted. "I could take him any day!"

I highly doubt that considering what I've seen Drake do. He beat up a man twice his size before killing him and probably the other one too. I left before I could find out and I never asked.

"I know but punching a person will still hurt your hand. You don't want to be wearing a cast during prom," I point out.

Jack shrugs. "Suit yourself. The offer still stands though."

I smile at Jack and go back to playing with my food. I was going to go to prom with Drake before all of that happened. Now I don't really know what to do. There's still a couple months though and Wendy said she knew plenty of guys who would be happy to go with me but it wouldn't feel the same.

"I'll ditch getting a date and we can go together," Elena offers when she sees my long face.

I hug her gratefully. With how emotionally unstable I've been over the past few days it almost makes me start crying. "You're the bestest best friend in the whole wide world!"

"I know, I know," Elena says with a roll of her eyes as she hugs me back.

I end up rushing to class later since I decided to go with Elena to her locker to delay the inevitable killer history class. The halls are mostly empty. Only a few stragglers and a couple of teachers still remain. Hopefully I don't get caught. A small yelp escapes my mouth, and I almost drop my books as I'm suddenly pulled to the side.

"Let me go!" I yell out angrily. What is this person's problem? I'm late.

I can't see who it is since they're in front of me with a surprisingly strong grip on my arm. All I can make out is tall and blonde. I drag my feet and stop walking so the girl has to pull me. Eventually she gets fed up and turns around. My eyes go wide and my blood instantly begins to boil. It's the girl who Drake was kissing the other day.

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