Chapter 11~Drake

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Only one word was running through my mind occasionally interrupted by another. I mean how could I not panic a little? I had four guns trained at me. It was a little impossible not to.

But how did this old guy outsmart us? He not only outsmarted us but also put me and Martin in a pretty bad situation. I didn't see how we could get out of this one. Our only hope was Philip and Megan, but I still haven't heard anything from them.

Webb repeats his orders. "I said put your guns down now."

I exchange a helpless look with Martin. He just looks away in frustration. We follow Webb's instructions reluctantly. We don't really have much of a choice.

Finally I hear a voice I never thought I'd be happier to hear. "Drake, Martin, we're right behind you in the trees. Stall so we can think of something and stay alert," Megan says into the comms device.

The weight in my chest lessens when I hear Megan's voice in my ear. I meet Martin's eye and see that the panic subsided. Our situation was no longer as helpless.

We just had to stall long enough for Megan and Philip to think of a plan. Right now we were outnumbered with Martin and I weaponless, and they couldn't do anything without risking the two of us.

"So," I begin casually like I wasn't being held at gunpoint. "How did you know we were here?"

Webb scoffs. "You thought I wouldn't notice that two of my guards mysteriously disappeared?"

I shrug my shoulders. "I was kind of hoping so."

Webb laughs humorlessly and shakes his head. "This is the problem with getting agents so young. I told them that. Your judgement is clouded by your over inflated egos."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Don't drag my ego into this," Martin says dramatically with a frown. He points at me. "It was his idea to get rid of the guards."

I have to suppress my smile. So this is how we're going to distract them. Should be fun.

I roll my eyes. "Not my fault you're useless and I have to do all of the planning. You just can't take a shot to your esteem."

Webb looks amused as he glances between me and Martin. We notice that the guards are growing less alert as the conversation stretches on. We just need to stall for a couple more minutes.

Webb points his finger at us. "What I want to know is why you two took out my guards instead of just ditching that whole idea and ambushing me here."

My heart lurches a little like it does when something unexpected happens. There was a big hole in our story. We can't have him knowing we're on to his partners. Luckily Martin takes care of it.

"We were going for you and the other party. Two guards got in the way. We had to kill them without anyone noticing. We did but by the time we got back you were on your way out of the complex," Martin says in an annoyed tone. "Personally I just wanted to go for you, but he wanted to be the over achiever he is and go for everyone. Wants to show off to our boss. Ridiculous."

Martin shakes his head in regret. My eyes narrow. "You just have no ambition. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have this position."

Martin opens his mouth in indignation and answers back in a biting tone. The two of us begin fighting back and forth with quick comebacks so Webb can't interrupt. While the two of us bicker back and forth Megan and Philip update us. They say they have clear paths to the two guards with their guns pointed at us. There were two more standing protectively by Webb, but they decided the biggest threat were the other two.

"I don't know how I could stand working with you for four years!" I shout.

"You should treat it as a great honor to be working with someone so talented," Martin says cockily complete with a smug smirk. He meets my eye as we hear Megan's voice again in our ears.

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