chapter 16

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Y/n pov~

I slowly open my eyes, and come facing pale blue fabric. I look up and see Ethan's Sleeping face.

I smile to myself, remember I last night. I giggle and he stretches, and opens his eyes. We both sit up and stay in silence.

The door opens ans I quickly get off the bed an onto a chair. "Hey Ethan." Mark says while walking in the room. He they both smile then Tyler walks in after him.

The room gets more crowded and a doctor walks in. I start getting flashbacks to when I was in the asylum.

Flash back~~~

I walk in. My brother waving at me as him and my mom walk out of the door. A young lady grabs my wrist and pulls me into the hallway of rooms of patients. (A/n i almost went to an insane asylum last year, so I kinda know that one looks like.) "How old are you?"  I hold up seven fingers. She takes me further down the hallway and pushes me through metal doors. I was Now In a room of children. The lady goes up to a stage looking thing. She starts talking, kids start fighting, and I start panicking. I hated crowds of people. I fell to the floor and blacked out.


"Y/n!!!!" every body was yelling at me. I look back at everyone. "what?" I ask. "You started panicking and you were crying. Are you okay?" Ethan asks me. I nod and Ethan signs a paper.

"You all can leave now." I smile and hug Ethan. He gets up and we all walk out. "Hopefully we dont have to come Back here in a long time." Mark says. "Yeah, hopefully."

Mark drives us home. Ethan and I are in the back and Tyler sits up front with Mark. Me and Ethan whisper jokes to each other and giggle about them. "Hey Ethan,
Y/n, wanna hear a joke?" Tyler asks. me and Ethan nod. "Be quiet." He says. Me and Ethan look at each other and start laughing again.

Mark and Tyler Groan in annoyance. We Arrive at home and race each other to the door. "You guys know I have the key right?" Mark says, still sitting in the car. I Run to a window and open it, jump through and lock it back so Ethan can't get in. I run into the kitchen and hide in a empty cabinet. I pull out my phone and play somes games until someone finds me.


it was 10:30 at night. No one found me yet. They even made dinner and they never found me. I open it up and go into my shared room with Ethan.

He was asleep. I jump on his bed and sit on his crotch area. He jumps up and breathes heavily. "what the fuck y/n!!!" He yells. "Sorry." I whisper. I hug him and The other 2 boys run in here. " we look for you forever y/n! Where were you?" Mark asks. "In a cabinet." I answer.

"Well, anyways. Goodnight you two." Tyler says. "Bye!" I wave at them as they leave the room. I get off Ethan and lay next to him. "Do you think they were confused on how I was sitting on you?" I ask. "No, probably not."

He pecks my lips and we cuddle together, falling into slumber.


I wake up with Ethan jumping on tbe bed. "what the hell are you doing...?"

"Nothing." He giggles and kisses me like he did last night. He leaves the room and goes to his recording room I assume.

"I'm hungry." I whisper to myself. I get up and run down starirs. Mark looks at me weirdly. I walk into the kitchen and get takis (you can change it) off the counter top. I walk over to mark and we look at each other in silence. He takes the bag from me and dumps a TON into his mouth. "MARK!" I yell at him and take the bag back. I sit on the guard the chips from him.

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