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There's something about the sun coming that makes the world seem full of life. Sat in one of my favourite coffee shops (for someone who isn't a fan of the beverage it is odd, but they do iced tea, which I love), there is something so peaceful about watching the world go by. Seeing the different faces come and go, seeing old friends catching up and new ones meeting for the first time. It is strange that in one place so many different things can be happening, people's lives changing for the better or worse.

I could sit here for hours with my headphones in with slow R&B album playing, writing for days. It's so much better than being in the house, it's something about the setting that is instantly relaxing. It feels safe and familiar. Maybe because it reminds me of university, which I have been missing lately. The work I don't miss, the learning, the people and the open setting I do miss. For someone who really isn't the outdoors type, being 100% a born and bred city gal, but this is one thing that draws me away from the city. Over the last year, I have really been drawn to the outdoors, and that's due to my education taking me there.

My favourite part is walking in between the trees, when the sun's out at its peak with my favourite songs playing. It is something that never fails to make me my smile. That's what I miss the most, being able to just walk for five minutes and you're surrounded by trees and not much further ahead there's the woods. My favourite place to be when you just need to escape. There's a wall behind the trees, I know you're thinking wow a wall like we haven't all seen one of those, but no there's something special about this wall. The best time of day to visit the wall is just as the sun is about to set, cliché I know, but it's such a soothing view. You can see the open fields from far out as the sun makes her retreat for the day. I like to close my eyes as the sun begins to fade away and night starts to fall, with I Will Be Blessed by Ben Howard playing. There's something about being in that moment that puts a smile on my face, not one of those big cheesy grins, but one of those small smiles that you would only notice if you were watching closely.



I am so fucking happy. I can't quite tell you why I am so happy, but today is just one of those days where nothing can really bring me down. It started off with waking up from a perfect night's sleep, something that I have been missing for a long while. Then it was the most refreshing shower I have felt in a while, and I tell you the one thing that made that shower was listening to What I've Been Looking For from the first High School Musical film - yes I am an adult, legally - honestly, that song can instantly put me in a good mood. It is just one of those feel-good songs and you can help but sing along to it. Any High School Musical song puts me in a good, to be honest, well no that's a lie, Gotta Go My Own Way hits me right in the feels. Okay, enough of the nice little throwback to my primary school days because I could go on forever about the pre-teen musical films, I mean there's Camp Rock and the Jonas Brothers.

The Jonas Brothers.


Like I have previously written, walks are easily one of the things that can lift my mood. It's something about the fresh air - well polluted at the moment because of my current residence in the city - and good music, there's something about a good playlist that makes the walk ten times more enjoyable. I find myself singing along like a idiot, at least a good seventy-five percent of the time no one has seen or heard me or they have and don't say anything. But frankly, I am too into the music to care about anyone else's opinion.


Do you ever find that you have found a human that you're like, this human, this human I want in my life forever? Whether this be platonically or romantically, the feelings this person generates is still the same.

It's the sharing of music, it's the listening to a certain song and it reminding you of that person and the times you spent together.

It's the sitting together chatting and laughing into the next morning, unaware of the time passing.

It's the way they talk about something they're passionate about and the way they smile talking about things they love.

It's the way they can lift your mood with a shitty joke or a good meme.

It's the twinkle in their eyes and the eyes warmth of their smile.

It's that moment when you just look at them and think to yourself, that is the human I want in my life for as long as possible with the same small smile you only see if you are looking close enough.


First of all, big thanks to Alpha_Woman for this perfectly edgy book cover, it's everything I could have wanted and fits the book perfectly. Secondly, A HAPPY CHAPTER, I know shocker. The weather was too good and just put in me in the perfect writing mood. The words just flowed and I don't think I have been happier with a piece for a long time, so I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!

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