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"you are a strange one.

 we have many a thing in common.


 there is still a lot for me to learn before i can feel truly comfortable.

 because i have given trust and feelings first before,


 now i must go in head first instead of heart.

 because only then will i feel truly safe." - head > heart.


"the smile on your face,

 the twinkle in your eye.

 it's all enough to make me shy." - butterflies.



'don't fall again,' my mind instructs my heart.

'don't fall down the rabbit hole,' she warns.


my heart quickly responds.

'if you don't fall down the rabbit hole, 

you will never find wonderland.' - alice's dilemma.


"i want to lay with you,

 beneath the stars.

 i want to talk nonsense with you,

 until we fall asleep.

 i want to wake up with you,

 to the sight of the rising sun." - sunset to sunrise.


"let's just do it.

 let's runaway.

 take the first train out of here.


 you ask.


 we are young,

 we are wild,


 we are free.

 the only thing stopping us is ourselves.

 so my question is, 

 are you in?" - if so, take my hand and baby let's get outta this town.


"she's an old soul in a world too young for her.

  maybe she thought,

  that was why she always struggled to find the one soul to match hers." - soulmates are a con.


"please don't say those words,

 please stop acting interested.

 please stop being so complimentary,

 please stop looking at me like that.


 most importantly,

 please don't ever say you love me." - not because i won't ever feel it, but because i am afraid                                                                                    to feel it and i don't want to be the fool who rushes in,                                                                                       because i have been the fool before.


"we, as human beings, always to go back.

  whether this be us at nineteen,

  wanting to go back to being a child,

  back to the freedom of innocence.

  whether this be us at twenty-nine,

  wanting to revisit our university days.

  whether this be us at fourty-nine,

  wanting to go back to the travels of our youth.

  whether this be us at eighty-nine,

  wanting to go back to a time in which our partner was still around to share love and laughter.

  we always want to go back." - maybe that's why it's so hard to move forward.


"she is a campfire.

 everybody is attracted to the warmth in her smile.

 they are captivated by her the flickers in her laugh.

 they gather around her taking in the heat of her gaze.

 they throw in kindling further igniting her soul.

 she thrives off them.

 without them, there is no her." - but how long will her fire last?


 "all i want to do is to write,

  something that comforts you.

  all i want to do is write something that makes you smile,

  something that makes you laugh.

  all i want to do is write something to take away your pain,

  something to heal your broken heart, your broken soul, your broken mind or all of the above.

  but most importantly,

  all i want to do is write for you." - ode to my readers, without you i would be nothing.


this one is a little all over the place i guess you could say, as there is no clear theme to the pieces but life is a little all over the place and therefore my writing is too. i really don't know how often i'll be writing and uploading now as lectures start properly this week and i am one hundred percent not ready for especially because i have like fifty thousand books to read rip. but i will try and keep up with weekly uploads, i promise not to ghost on you. and now rambling over the song to go with this chap is nothing personal by night riots because i saw them support the maine and fell a little bit in love with them.


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