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"i give and i give,

 but all you do is take." - unbalanced.



Being young is hard, you know. Actually, let me rephrase that being a young adult is hard. Out of nowhere, you go from being a/being treated like a kid to thrust into the world of adulthood. It's like you lose any innocence you have left. Oh boy, is it a whirlwind of acting like you know what you're doing when really none of us have a bloody clue what we're doing. And that's why we all find a way to get a long and understand ourselves because we are all wandering around aimlessly pretending we have our shit together.




I think the last entry sums up a lot about my writing, and well writing in general.

A blank space.

Forgotten ideas.

A "I'm going to come back and write that idea down later, even though I know I am going to end up forgetting what is was," kind of entry.

It is so much more common than you think, it's just that this one I have decided to allow in the mess that is this book. I just wonder, I wonder where they go. Those lost thoughts, and whether I'll ever get to see them again. 


"she has the smile of a fool.

 she has the laughter of a child.

 she has the heart of gold.

 she has the mind of a genius.

 and she was so blissfully unaware of it." - admiration.


"words can hurt,

 but silence is torture.

 honesty over untruths.

 lies. lies. lies.

 keep repeating them,

 maybe then you will find truth in them.

 because i am not blind to the deceit. 

 i am much smarter than you give me credit for.

 you underestimate me, 

 and oh boy,

 you'll be looking like the fool." - lies will consume you and from the lies the truth will be born.


"i am messy. i am strange.

 i am weak. i am soft.

 yes, this is a part of me.

 the part you like many others either don't like or are afraid of or simply just don't have the time  for.

 well, i am not sorry for that part of me.

 i am not sorry that i am not the happy-go-lucky girl all of the time because that is no one and  you can go and search for her, but baby she doesn't exist." - the manic pixie dreamgirl.


"to whoever coined the phrase: 'ignorance is bliss,' boy were they right.

  because when you become aware of the truth, it hurts even if you try to push yourself back into   the safety of ignorance.

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