Chapter 7

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Aiya awoke to the sounds of women chattering, was it late, or early? She could not tell for there were no windows in the room. She sat up on the bed, holding her torn dress to cover herself.

There were three women, moving about. One was very young, with a scar over her left eye. She was still quite pretty with gold tresses and rosy lips.

The other woman working with her was older and rather plump. She seemed to be coaching the girl on what to do. They were fiddling with a wooden bathing tub; the older woman was putting some dried herbs in the steaming water.

The other woman stood in the doorway.

"Tis lavender she is putting in the bath, a pleasant scent I think," Spoke the woman in the doorway, in near perfect English.

Aiya recognized her immediately. She was the Jarl's wife, the woman she had seen in the Great Hall on her arrival, mother to Ragda and Dagr.

"I am Lady Ingrid. Here, I have brought you a gown to wear, one of my own."

She tossed the plain cream gown on the bed.

"Thank you," Aiya spoke.

"Do not thank me, I would have done no such thing, thank my husband,"

"My Lady if I have done anything to upset you..." Her words were cut short.

"You should bathe, and dress before my son returns. Food will be sent to you," She motioned to the other women.

"The young one there is Esma, and the other is my most trusted servant Zita. They will see to your comforts," At that she turned on her heels and left the room.

Aiya was dumbfounded. Why would the Jarl request such a thing? She had not said a single word to that man, yet she was blamed by both Dagr and his mother for catching his eye.

The woman called Zita began to squawk orders at Aiya as though she could understand her. When Aiya only eyed her in confusion, the women walked over and practically shoved her off the bed.

"Få I badekaret, dum jente," The old woman mumbled.

Aiya did everything she could to keep herself covered, Zita lumbered over to her and began pulling the dress from her body. Aiya was mortified, never had she bathed in front of anyone before.

"We only wish to bathe you," spoke the young girl in English. She surprised Aiya, who stood with her mouth open, staring at her, all the while trying to fend off the old hag.

"I beg your pardon, but I do not need help to bathe.... get... this... woman... off me!" She struggled to say.

"Those are our orders from our Lady, therefore we must. Please don't fight her, you won't win. We only wish to help you. Avreise henne alene," She spoke to the old woman.

Aiya thought about it for a moment. It was not her time to fight yet, so she gave in, and let the woman take her dress. She was left standing naked and freezing in the cold room.

"Flytja, please; get in the tub, the water is quite warm. It will feel lovely to have a bath I'm sure, after so many weeks on the boats," She motioned toward the wooden tub, she sounded sincere.

Aiya stepped into the bath, it was the greatest feeling she had felt in many harsh months. The smell of lavender water flooded her nose, and she relaxed, until the old crow began to rub her skin away.

"Ouch!" She yelped. "You're too rough!"

Zita muttered something aloud that Aiya could not understand. "Utålelig tispe,"

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