Chapter 18

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Aiya's night was filled with restless sleep. She tossed and turned while she tried to put the missing pieces of the puzzle together, she wished Roel was still around to help. His cremation ceremony was in the morning, and she was unsure as to their customs. Ragda had held a meeting amongst the people of Hafrafell pertaining to his send off, Aiya had noticed many of the female slaves step forward and be led away. His Uncle had arrived earlier that day and had kept his distance, only seeing Ragda. He gave Aiya an uneasy feeling, and she was curious as to his role in his family.

The day was overcast, and the clouds were thick, rain was sure to come. Aiya dressed in a plain, black, wool dress to keep warm, and a fur cloak made of wild fox hide, over her shoulders. She did not know what to expect of the day, but she could already hear people clapping and shouting outside her dwellings. Drums began to sound and she could hear a man begin to sing, she did not understand what he said but she knew he sang about the Gods.

'Liv av kvar ein død Død av kvart eit liv

Hjulet syng om ringar Ikkje linjar

Solsultne vargar Drøsular jagast Skinande Sol

Liv av kvar ein død Død av kvart eit liv. Deg sjølv gjeven deg sjølv,'

Aiya stepped out of her house, into complete chaos. People were dancing, singing, fighting, drinking, and eating. She walked through the many huts, and through all the people, as she made her way alone to the docks, where the remains of both Roel and Dagr were. People were moving about, placing gold, jewels, and weapons in the boat where Roel laid, things he would need in Valhalla. People had begun to gather around to see their Jarl one last time before his send off. Five women, in white linen, stepped forward to stand along the side of the boat. Ragda moved around the back of them, along with an elderly woman who carried a shallow bowl of thick, red liquid, which she was flicking on the women with a coarse brush and mumbling words to them.

The women kept their eyes closed, they were calm, as Ragda moved behind the first woman, she leaned forward. Ragda turned towards another man, who held a blanket in his hands. Lifting the fabric, a small knife came to view, picking it up, he held it high above his head. He brought it back down to the woman's throat and sliced into her flesh. Her blood spilled out onto the boat and she was gently placed next to her Jarl, along with the rest of the women. They would serve him in Valhalla. When all the Jarl's hoard had been placed in the longboat.

Ragda spoke allowed to the people, "Odin, has prepared a feast in your honor, my Faðir, now the Valkyrie summon you home," He signaled for the men to push the boat from the docks. The people cheered and threw flowers down on his body as he floated past them, out to the Fjord.

Dagr had a small raft of logs and sticks. She had watched as Ragda used his own boot to push the raft out to sea, smaller and smaller it became. When he raised his hand four archers took their aim with fire-tipped arrows. When his hand fell, they fired. Aiya watched as the Jarl and his bastard step-son burned. She almost envied the burning men, for she had many more hardships to face in her future, but tonight was dedicated to Roel, she would not be sad for him, she would rejoice and embrace the Pagan ways.

The day had grown into night, and the festivities had only just begun. Large figures made of wood and sticks were set ablaze to light the darkness. Women, doused in blood from the animal sacrifices that had taken place, moved about with large platters full of meat, and bread, people grabbing at them lustfully. Ale was in abundance and there was not one, man, woman, or child without a horn full. They raised them to the sky, toasting their famous Jarl and singing his praise. Aiya could see Annie sitting atop Taavi's lap, they were laughing and kissing one another, horns in each of their hands. Annie saw Aiya and smiled, reaching out her hand to Taavi, who put something into it, before running up to Aiya.

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