Chapter 8

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Aiya made it through her first day in her new surroundings. She had no plans to get comfortable, she would be leaving soon, somehow.

She did not want to return to Dagr's chambers, so she thought she would wander about the Hall.

Servants were still milling about finishing their work for the day, eager to get off their feet. She saw Esma up ahead of her walking, she hurried to catch up.

"Esma!" She said happily, glad to see the girl.

Esma turned around, Aiya immediately noticed the bruises on Esma's face and neck.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Aiya you should return to Dagr, you do not want him to have to find you," Her tone was serious.

"No, I want to know what happened to you, who did this?"

"Dagr did this and he will do the same to you if you anger him," She lamented.

"I'm sorry," She whispered, as Esma turned sharply and walked away.

She wondered if the scar on Esma's eye was Dagr's doing.

Aiya could feel dread creeping up her spine as she returned to Dagr's room, the torches that lit her path, made her shadow dance wickedly on the wall. As she approached the door she stopped with her hand on the latch and took a deep breath. She peeked in through the door and peered around, Dagr was not back yet and she let her breath out. She stopped a moment to notice her reflection in a bit of polished metal by a table Dagr used to groom himself.

She did not mind what she saw, her dress clung to her body and it flattered her curves. Her hair was shining and fell perfectly down her back. The only thing that disturbed her was the bruise on her cheek from Dagr's hand. She heard the door open and close behind her and found in the metal's reflection, Dagr looking back at her.

He approached her, an unreadable expression on his face. He took a strand of Aiya's blonde hair in his hand, caressing it and then letting it fall.

He leaned down to speak in ear. "Du er en smart heks," Then he grabbed her and flung her onto the bed. When she tried to get up he pushed her back down.

"Dagr, please...." She pleaded with him.

He did not listen to her, he laid the full weight of his body on hers, pinning her to the bed.

"I have endured many weeks, waiting for this moment," He bent down to kiss her but she moved her head to the side so his lips brushed her cheek. He smelled of ale, and musk, it was not a repulsive scent to her, but she still couldn't bring herself to give him what he wanted of her.

He then rolled off her, lying on his back next to her, folding his hands behind his head. Aiya thought he would have been angered by her refusal to let him kiss her. He only smirked and spoke in a chilling tone. "Go stand at the foot of the bed."

She hesitated.

Eventually, she sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She walked to the foot of the bed, feeling Dagr's eyes on her, following her. She stood in front of him and waited for him to give another order, frightened.

"Good. Now remove your dress," He rolled over to his side and rested his weight on one elbow. He was proud of himself, one corner of his mouth held a smirk.

Aiya was beyond frightened now, but she couldn't let him see. She slid one shoulder of her dress down to reveal her slender shoulder, then the other. She moved as slow as she could manage with her racing heart. She then moved the dress down to uncover her breasts, watching him as she did. His only reaction was to cock an eyebrow at her. She then let the dress fall to the floor in a pile that covered her small feet. Stepping out she kicked the dress to the side and stepped back to her place. She would not show her shame but would stand tall and proud.

Dagr got off the bed, unbuttoning his shirt as he moved around behind her.

"Very good," He praised, moving his hand a crossed her back.

"What you get from me is what you take, and never what I give you." She spat, staring straight into his eyes.

For a moment, she thought he would strike her, as he clenched his fists at his side.

His gaze was hard, a determined look on his face. He took a deep breath, sucking the air through his clenched teeth, he turned away from her.. He picked up his horn and started to pour himself some ale, but his anger got the best of him. He threw the half-filled horn of ale a crossed the room and stormed towards the door. Opening it, he stopped to glare at her, before continuing through it, and slamming it hard behind him.

She remained still for a moment longer, before crouching down and gathering up her dress from the floor. She was shocked that he had left her in peace, what had come over him she did not know but she was grateful.

Dagr would find another woman to lay with that night, why did he want a woman who didn't want him? Women begged to sleep with him, and there were plenty of women obliged to satisfy him.

He should have taken her by force, that is what he usually would have done but something stopped him. He didn't know what it was but he had a strange feeling that the girl would be his undoing in the end, and he was not ready to face such a fate.

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