Chapter 21

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Ingrid was furious; her son was fraternizing with the enemy as far as she was concerned. The death of her husband by her own son was surely a sign that Holer  the God of death and destruction had befallen on the house of Lowzow. It was all Aiya's doing, power would be restored to her family, whether Aiya liked it or not. She was a master of manipulation, and she would put her skills to good use. After all, what was more powerful than a son who was King?

She had quietly snuck into Ragda's chambers. He had not yet returned from his midnight rendezvous. She took a seat next to the fireplace and waited.

It did not take long before she heard the unmistakable voice of Ragda, was he humming?

He came through the door still humming his little tune, he did not notice her presence for the large chair kept her hidden. He began to remove his shirt before she spoke.

"Kveld niðr,"


Ragda breathed heavily, running a hand through his hair. He walked over to her and placed a kiss on her weathered cheek.

"There is something I wish to discuss with you." She watched him continue his routine for bed, as he splashed water from a bathing bowl onto his face.

"...Hmm, what is it?" He asked as he reached for a towel.

Standing, she walked to a table near the hearth, "It's about you and Aiya," She said in her sweetest tone, she fiddled casually with some scrolls on his desk.

"What about her?"

"Oh nothing, I just know of your affections for her. I saw you this evening." She smiled sweetly.

"Where are you going with this?" His tone was stern as he scrutinized her every move.

"Do you plan to marry her?"

"Wha-" She cut him off to continue. "Marrying her would make you a King,"

Ragda narrowed his eyes at her. "I don't want to marry her just to be King, I love her more than that."

Ingrid smiled sweetly.

"Oh, you'll marry her. You'll marry her before the next full moon, or perhaps she'll find one of her horns poisoned, and all will know it was you,"

She put her hand to Ragda's cheek. He looked at her stunned.

"Good night my dear." She laughed as she walked to the door, saying to herself.

"My son will be king! Imagine that, me, the mother of the king!" Her laugh echoed the room, a haunting sound it made.

"Dritt!" Ragda shouted as he threw the towel in his hand hard against the wall. He fell exasperated onto the bed. He knew his mother would follow through with her threat. He would gladly marry Aiya, he loved her. She was strong and passionate. He would ask for her hand on the morrow. He fell asleep with the thoughts of his beautiful bride to be, giving herself fully to him and him alone.


"Aiya...Aiya wake up—Aiya!"

Aiya felt a sharp sting on her cheek which woke her up immediately. As her eyes shot open and focused on her surroundings, her sight fell on the one person she never expected to see.

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