Chapter 13

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Aiya rode for as long and as fast as the horse would carry her. The forest was getting darker by the second, making it hard to see where she was riding, she slowed her pace. She could hear the faint sounds of water crashing into earth, and she steered the black beast in the direction she thought they were coming from. Soon she came to a clearing, cliffs lay close to the forest, overlooking the wide now almost black water. The sun was just disappearing over the horizon, casting colors of orange and fire red in the sky. A beautiful sight she thought to herself as she sat atop the horse.

She remembered sitting as a child and dreaming of what exciting adventures layout to sea, wanting to explore new lands, and meet new unusual characters in a foreign land somewhere with Noah at her side. Her adventure had turned out to be very different. Now there lay the possibility she held some importance in this world, how could she not want to believe it, how did she have no desire to be the person the Jarl thought she was? She knew the answer, she didn't want to be turned from her current course, she had to fulfill her vow to Noah.

"What is my path...?"

Her horse began to shy nervously; from the corner of her eye, she saw something in the trees. A massive black bird flew from the forest and landed on a branch some distance from her, she strained to keep her horse under control.

"It's only a Raven," She was mesmerized by the creature.

She sat staring at the raven and it stared back at her. She had the oddest feeling the creature had something to tell her.

Then out of the darkness, a voice came to her, she did not understand the language, but she knew who the voice belonged to.


How she knew his voice, she did not know. But in her heart, she knew what he said. He told her that her path was not hidden. She knew what had to be done, and that she would not face it alone.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, "What must I do?"


Aiya stormed into the Jarl's chambers with fire in her eyes, he would help her understand.

Roel bowed to her. "You believe me?"

Lady Ingrid entered the room from another door; she was fiddling with an earring but stopped when she noticed Aiya. Her eyes turning to ice, as they stared at the young girl.

"Ingrid, bow to Aiya Einardóttir,"

"Einardóttir?" She erupted into laughter.

"Bue, du ufo ska met hore!" shouted Lowzow, startling Aiya as well as his wife. Ingrid was outraged.

"Maðr, this can not be the heir to Einar Jorgensen, The Red King of the Danes. He is dead. You have become obsessed with her, the same as my sons. She has infected you all!"

Aiya stood still observing the scene, almost wanting to believe Ingrid. Yet Odin had spoken to her, he told her what her destiny was.

"I didn't want to believe it either, but the Gods have told me what I must do. I need training, and an army, you will help me." She pointed to Lowzow. "Gather all you can, for time moves swiftly,"

"What is your plan?"

"I don't know yet, that is why I seek your counsel," She replied. "You must teach me about the Gods,"

"I will teach you about the Gods, the old Gods; the true Gods,"

"And what will you tell Dagr upon his return?" Ingrid interrupted, with poison in her voice. "If you think he will bow to you so easily, you are a fool,"

That was yet another worry of Aiya's, Dagr. What will he do when he learns her place is above him? What will Ragda do?

"We will not worry of that now child; we still have time before his return," Roel spoke, "We must get you moved to a better room, a new wardrobe will be necessary, you can have this chamber," He said, pointing to Ingrid's things.

"Hvordan våger du!" Ingrid spewed, "Du gir henne ting!" She ran from the room, Zita trailing behind her.

"Another thing," Aiya began, watching Ingrid's fleeting skirts, "I think I should need a teacher, I know nothing of the language you speak,"

"You shall have the finest teacher," He enjoyed watching his wife's displeasure, for he had no love for her.

She smiled as she watched him leave. She observed Ingrid's room, a beautiful dwelling it was, she sat on the lustrous bed. She was thankful for the few days she had without Ragda for she needed time to think of how she would handle Dagr.

Thank you for reading my story! I will post a new chapter every Wednesday from now on. If you don't wish to wait, this book is fully available on Amazon for kindle and paperback, with new added bits of glory. Thanks again! Love you guys.

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