Chapter 20

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Indride sat and stared at his impudent nephew, never had Roel's legitimate son pleased him. He was arrogant just like his meddling father. Dagr did right by ending the Earl, but how did a mere girl defeat his great nephew?

It did not matter, as she was going to rue the day her stroke fell upon him.

"Well, I suppose it's time to meet this heiress." He announced to the room.

"I shall fetch her uncle; I can assure you, you will not be disappointed by her." Ragda turned to set to his task, eager for it to be done.

Indride gave a knowing smirk, for surely his men had secretly disposed of her by now.

"I'm sure I won't be." His eyes glinted at his madness.

Ragda bowed to his uncle and turned to leave, before he got to the large doors they were flung open.

"Now what?!" Ragda threw his hands up in exasperation.

Indride shot from his chair, his son Falco picked up his ax; readying himself for a fight.

Falco couldn't believe his eyes for he was staring at his sweet Adia. She was like a mother to him for she had practically raised him; leaving him under the impression she had renounced her old ways and had given up fighting. Yet there she stood brandishing her infamous axes that had been named Halldis and Astrid.

A beautiful woman stood next to her, both looking deadly, anger marring their lovely faces.

Adia pushed passed Ragda, who had a look of surprise. Actually, he looked rather excited to see what the fierce women had planned for his fiend of an uncle. Aiya stormed past him, winking as she moved to stand by her aunt. She then looked to her Adia, who stood in front of Indride, Halldis, and Astrid in each hand.

"Adia! What reasons do you give for this madness? Falco my son, deal with her!"

Adia's stare darkened as she raised her ax's, "Falco is no more your son than you are a king,"

Falco put his ax back down on the table and took his seat, motioning for his men to relax their guard. He dropped his feet hard on the table, placing his hands behind his head; he gave a smile and nodded for Adia to continue.

"You see Indride, I have raised him, loved him, and protected him from you. I have done more for that boy than I have for my own flesh and blood," She looked at Aiya, who stood with an equal expression of hate in her eyes for the man who betrayed her parents and who had ordered her death.

"Never again shall you harm those I love," She raised an ax to strike him down.

"No!" Aiya rushed forward, grabbing Adia's arm before it fell.

"If you kill him, you are no better than he is,"

Indride stood up and with a smirk, he lowered himself before her. When he stood, he spat at Aiya's feet.

"You are not fit to lick the shit from my boot,"

Aiya threw her head back and roared with laughter. "How charming you are. I can be quite charming as well," She crossed her arms over her chest and cocked a questioning brow at him. "You Indride, son of Ewan, Stewart of Denmark, are stripped of your title and shall live out the rest of your wicked life as a slave, you will endure all that I have had to because of you, how's that for charm?" She asked, looking around at everyone.

"You can not!"

"I can!"

"So just kill me than,"

"Death is too kind for you, you deserve to suffer for your betrayals. My parents trusted you, and you murdered them,"

"Take him,"

Indride was dragged from the hall kicking and screaming in protest, begging her for death.

Aiya turned to Ragda, expecting some kind of protest but was only greeted with a warm smile, and approving eyes. Her Aunt gave her a hug and went to stand next to Falco.

Another man went to stand next to Adia, her own son, and cousin to Aiya, Iodin. He smiled warmly at her, before following others who had dropped to one knee to salute their future Queen.

Never had Aiya been so happy, she had found family; someplace she belonged. As she stood in the Great Hall peering at all who bowed, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Not even a fortnight had passed and her life had changed completely.

Ragda approached her;

"Are you angry with me?" She asked.

"Why would I be?"

Her eyes shot to all the observers in the room. "I have destroyed your family in the short time I've been here, your father, your brother, your uncle,"

Ragda took a step closer to her, his face came mere inches from hers.

"My father's death was not your doing- as, for my brother, he deserved his fate. I never really cared for my Uncle; therefore I have no anger for you,"

He stepped even closer to her, not caring about the eyes observing them. "You have managed to destroy all the corruption in my family, something I could not do."

He kissed her; right then and there, in front of everyone, he kissed her with passion. He grabbed at her as though she was the last breath in his lungs, he held her and she held him back, forgetting everyone was in the room. She loved him and she knew it, perhaps she always had and she was done fighting her feelings. She just wanted to love someone again.

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