Chapter 14

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Aiya stood in the center of her new room, previously owned my Lady Ingrid. She did not dwell on her new surroundings, the beautiful couches, the tapestries, nor the fine gowns made of colorful silks and lush wool.

Though they were lovely, they were petty items she had no use for. There was a knock at the door; no longer did she need to fear the person on the other side.

"Enter," She said. The door opened to reveal Esma and Annie, they were delighted to see her.

"Aiya! I mean, My Lady." Annie exaggerated.

"Please, you are my friend's, no need for such formalities,"

"It's hard to believe, you're Einar The Reds daughter!"

"You have heard of him?"

"Heard of him? Every Dane knows of Einar Jørgensen. Einar den Røde is to Denmark, what Ragnarr Loðbrók is to Norway, hero's,"

"Who is Ragnarr Loðbrók ?" The name was foreign on her tongue.

"That is another tale, for another time," Esma replied with a wink. "Now, what will you do with your new found freedom? How I envy you, Aiya," She moved to sit by Annie on one of the many lavish pieces of furniture that adorned the chamber.

"First thing's first, you're free to go." Aiya's voice was calm, waiting for her friends to understand her. Esma was confused.

"Free to go where?"

"Anywhere you dream," She flashed them a brilliant smile.

Without any more thought Esma rushed forward to give Aiya a hug, she was free; finally. Annie stood observing with a kind smile on her lips, she and Taavi could be together now, and it was all thanks to Aiya.

Thrain stood in the doorway. "Forgive me Høyhet, but the Jarl sends a message for you," He glanced at Esme, and smiled before turning his attention back to Aiya.

She noticed the moment between them, "Yes, what is it?"

"Ragda, and his brother return. Jarl Lowzow has asked them to the Great Hall, he has also asked you adorn your finest dress," Thrain gave a small, knowing smirk. "He will send me to receive you when he is ready,"

"Tusen Takk," She replied, looking at Esme for confirmation that her words were correct, she had asked her friend to teach her a few known phrases to get her by until she could have a tutor.

"Høyhet," He bowed, gave one last ravishing smile to the women, and left the chambers; closing the door behind him.

"Oh how utterly handsome he is, did you see Aiya?" Esma gushed. "Så vakker," She spun around, with glee.

"Yes, he is quite handsome." Aiya's voice was distant as though she were speaking automatically. "Dagr has returned," it was all she could think of, and what would Ragda say?

"We need not fear him anymore. He has no power over us now, Aiya." Esma's voice was strong.

"He is still unpredictable, he could do anything; and I don't trust him," she responded.

Annie spoke up, "The Jarl will handle him, we must get you ready, it is your time now," excitement in her voice.

She wanted Ragda to see her in something other than the rags he had before.


Ragda rode in on his horse next to his brother, they had been traveling for three days now and they were almost home. His father had sent them on a pointless errand, only to find they were not needed.

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