Chapter 12

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Authors Note: Every Wednesday I will be uploading a new chapter. This Wednesday is special however so I will upload two. :)


Aiya was thrown on the back of a giant black horse, Lowzow sat behind her holding her waist.

They rode through the city, soon the buildings and homes became scarcer, many poor farms were scattered throughout the land. The sky was darkening and people began to retire into their homes. They continued to ride for what seemed like hours, soon coming to some kind of hut deep in the woods that surrounded the massive city.

The hut appeared to be falling apart, the roof that was made of sticks and moss was beginning to cave in, and the small wood door was left hanging by one hinge. It was a place of unforeseen forces, a place Aiya did not want to be.

Lowzow brought his steer to a halt and dismounted dragging Aiya from the beast with him.

"Do not be frightened, child,"

"Then tell me what is happening,"

"You will know soon enough,"

They entered the decaying hut, Aiya could hear crunching under their feet and was horrified to find she was walking on the bones of what she was sure were humans.

"My Lord, what is this horrible place?"

"I've brought you to the Seer." He replied.

Out of the darkness, a deformed figure lunged from the blackness straight for her, he held in one monstrous hand a simple gold dagger. He swung the small dagger at her stomach tearing her dress below her belly button. To Aiya's surprise, her skin was not cut, only the material. The opening revealed her birthmark, it was not prominent on her skin, one could overlook it. Roel went so sit in the corner; he did not show any concern, for he knew Aiya was not in danger.

"What is happening?" Aiya's voice trembled.

The creature stared at her in disbelief, Roel sat in the corner of the room, with a smirk on his face; he reminded her of Ragda at that moment.

"This cannot be, the child was male! I have never misconceived the Gods before!" The Seer argued, in cynical disbelief.

"You are this time, K Vik Indi," Roel, boasted. The Seer flinched at the word creature.

"My Lord, tell me what's happened!"

Roel stared at her, "As you wish my Lady." The Jarl then bowed to her, stooping low, as a servant would to its master. Aiya didn't think she heard him correctly, she thought he called her Lady.

"I have searched for you since you were taken, it's been nearly ten long years." He said.

"Taken?" .

"Sit down,"

"Our lands had erupted into a fury and much blood had been spilled because of it. The Norwegians were looking to expand their nation further west into the English Isles, but the Danes would not have it, for they wished to conquer England for themselves. The only one to stand up against the rage was a fierce Viking by the name of Einar den Røde, Einar The Red. With his small army of loyal Danish followers, he met the Norwegians head on in battle, but they were strong and many. One Norwegian warrior would change everything, a shield maiden by the name of Aiyowind, fearless and beautiful. Before the end of the war, a love unlike any had blossomed between the two enemies. Aiyowind would betray her father, the king, and combine her father's forces with Einars, to keep the remaining Norwegian armies at bay, leaving the Danes victorious. Einar would later marry his fierce maiden and they would become rulers over their lands. Years later, a child was born; a child that could fulfill the God's wishes, and bring about The Danelagh. Not long after, the Norwegians, angered by Aiyowind's betrayal, stormed their castle in Denmark. Einar and his beloved Aiyowind were murdered, and their child lost."

He paused for a moment. "I believe you are that child,"

"I cannot be," She shook her head.

"The child carried that very mark upon her flesh," He pointed to the tear in her dress.

"It cannot be, this here is not a mark of destiny; it is a simple birthmark. My mother was no Queen, and I am no heir." She retorted. Everything she had been through, it was impossible for her to fathom the idea that she could possibly be so important.

"The heir was supposed to be a man!" The Seer shouted from the darkness. "She cannot be the one Lowzow!"

"She is and you will see it!"

Aiya could not stay there and listen to anymore, Roel was wrong. She ran from the hut, and threw herself on the Jarl's horse, turning the beast north and away from the city. She cared nothing for the loud shouts of the Jarl behind her.

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