Chapter 22

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"To the oars!"

Aiya ran to the side of the ship to peer behind them. The phantom follower seemed to be gaining on them.

"Jaril!" She shouted. "Can we keep them at bay until nightfall?"


"Good, " She gave him a mischievous grin.

When night had fallen, the phantom ship was maybe a Sjømil or so behind. Just enough distance between them for Aiya's plan to work. Luckily for them, the fog had set in thick, they could not have hoped for a better outcome.

Aiya had fashioned a small buoyancy out of empty barrels, using old shirts for sails. It looked nothing like a ship, but hopefully, the cover of darkness would be on their side. They lit a small torch and placed it on the buoyancy, not before dowsing their own lights. Making sure the light was still in the sights of the pursuing ship.

They lowered the buoyancy down to the water, giving it a slight nudge towards the south. They turned the now invisible long boat north, praying to the God's their ruse would work and the phantom ship would follow the imposter.

It was silent aboard their ship, as they watched the Phantom change its course south. Their ploy had worked, it would at least give them a few hours to gain some distance. Hopefully, by the time dawn came, they would be far enough away for the phantom to give up the chase.

Aiya curled up on the deck with Esma, both sharing a wool blanket for warmth, the night had gotten cold. Dawn would come too soon for them and they needed their rest.


Shouts awoke them just as the sun crept over the ocean. Aiya felt a hand on her shoulder.

"It was a nice try, Reinn," Jaril said, his eyes were almost bright with anticipation as he glanced up at something behind her.

Aiya stood up and shot around towards the direction of Jaril's gaze. To her absolute horror, the phantom ship had sailed in alongside their boat, it's men were preparing to board.

"They snuck up on us, by the time we realized it, it was too late. We are outnumbered,"

She drew her sword and quickly grabbed Esma by her shirt dragging her below deck.

"Stay here! No matter what happens!" She forced Esma into a large empty barrel.

"What about you?"

"I'm better equipped to handle myself up there, no matter what happens, you do not leave this spot, Understood?" Esma nodded and Aiya slammed the lid shut.

She shot back up the ladder and was immediately met with the sight of blood and chaos. The other ship's men had wasted no time boarding their ship and the battle had started. She looked frantically about searching for Jaril, he was unseen. A massive Ogre stood in her way, towering over her, the new sunlight shining off his bald head, a thick sword in his hand; he raised it to strike her.

Quickly realizing she was no match for the giant, she turned and ran. Climbing onto the side of the ship; making sure to keep her balance as to not slip into the icy waters below. When he swung the sword at her ankles she dropped hers and leaped for some rope hanging from the kiln of the ship. It swung her through the air, knocking her into two other enemy attackers, sending one falling overboard. She rolled to a stop at the feet of her first attacker. As he raised his weapon to bring it down on her head she flicked her eyes to her sword a few inches away, again she rolled. His sword barely missed her, as she reached for her own weapon a large boot came down to crunch her hand halting her movements.

She peered up to find the most hypnotizing set of deep blue eyes she had ever seen only to match an equally hypnotizing man. His wavy hair was the color of mahogany, which he had pushed back from his comely face. He smiled down at her and she could see one crooked top tooth as he did, it was not unappealing, it was the opposite. It added to his allure.

"Not so fast, love," He said; his voice smooth as water.

Before she could protest to his comment four men grabbed her and hauled her to her feet. She looked around to find what remained of Jaril's crew also being restrained, their weapons crashing to the ground. Jaril looked to her, silently telling her to stop fighting.

"Very well done Jaril, I must say that diversion was quite impressive." The man said. "Tell me, whose idea was that? I know it couldn't have been your old man."

Aiya was surprised the two knew each other.

"Hello, Jamie, I can't take the credit for that stratagem; that was the boy's idea," He nodded towards Aiya.

James started to laugh. "That is no boy," Aiya sucked in her breath. 'Shit' she thought to herself.

"How many young boys do you know with hips like that?" He gestured to her with his sword while he looked at Jaril.

"Or how about this?" He looked at Aiya, putting his sword away. Walking over to her; she tried to wiggle out of his men's grasp. She stopped moving when he removed a sharp knife from his belt. She looked at it wide eyed as it moved to her shirt. He grabbed the material and sliced through it, tearing it open to reveal the thin linen hiding her breasts.

"What on earth would a man need to hide under there?" He taunted.

James's men laughed and whistled, while Jaril shook his head.

"That's enough, come now Jamie, let her cover herself,"

James nodded to his men to release her. When her hands were free she covered herself with her ripped shirt, holding it in place with her arms.

"Pig," She said to him.

"I hope the other is still a man," Jaril said before thinking. Aiya shot him a look of reproach for mentioning Esma.

James slowly looked from Jaril to Aiya. "Other?" A grin forming across his handsome face.

"Search the ship!"

Sorry this is up so late you guys, it's been a crazy few days for me! If you like this chapter please give it a vote and comment me your thoughts! <3

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