Chapter 15

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Once again Aiya found herself at Dagr's mercy, and once again her life was crumbling. She had   befriended the Jarl, and now he was gone.

Dagr had thrown her on his horse and climbed on behind her, holding her hard, around the waist. They rode fast from Hafrafell, west towards the falling sun. They rode through the night without a word said between them, she could feel his breath on her neck. Her back and rump had begun to ache from the saddle and she grew tired, but she would not allow herself to sleep. When the sun began to rise, he turned the horse east. Their pace had slowed, but his grip only held her tighter in fear she may try to escape.

"You hold me too tight, I cannot breathe," She gave a tug on his hand, it did not budge.

"Well, I don't want you to get away," The heat of his breath on her ear. They were silent again for a time.

"Do you think me a monster?" He sounded removed.

"You want to be a monster Dagr, you relish it. You feed on the fear of others," She answered, "Loosen your hold on me, I cannot breathe!" She repeated, struggling in his arms. He did not loosen his hold on her waist, however, but took his riding hand and removed a small dagger from his boot and brought it to her throat.

"Quit your struggling," He spoke into her ear, as he buried his face in her hair.

They rode in silence for a short time longer, before coming to a clearing in the trees. He brought the horse to a stop, pulling hard on the reins with his free hand. He slid from the beast, grabbing Aiya, he lifted her to the ground. Turning he grabbed a string of coarse rope from the saddle. He took one wrist, and then the other, binding her hands in front of her before shoving her to the ground.

"Move and I'll wring your neck,"

"You are brave, I will give you that," He hunched down on the ground in front of her.

"When so many others fear me and yield, you remain unbroken," He snickered, looking past her into the trees.

"Esma was like you once, when she first came to Hafrafell," His eyes remained on the trees behind her, as he continued, "She smelled like dung, she was the filthiest thing I had ever seen; like an animal, fighting me at every turn, biting and scratching at me like a feral beast," He brought his eyes back to hers.

"but she soon gave in, like most stubborn things do," He stared at her, a fiendish smile on his comely face, his head tilted upwards; he peered at her through brazen eyes.

"Did she tell you how it happened? How she got her scar," He once again removed his dagger from his boot.

"I took this very blade," He held the dagger up to her face, making her flinch, "As her body squirmed under me I slowly, ran it's blade, down her beautiful face," He smiled at her again, "And other places on her soft little body," He continued crudely.

"Oh, how I loved the way she screamed and begged for me to stop," He put the dagger back in his boot.

"You'll pay for it, I promise," She spat. He stood up laughing, and brought his hand down across her face, sprawling her out upon the dirt. It took her a moment to collect her thoughts, the force of the blow left her skin burning and her eyes began to water.

"What is your plan, Dag?" She yelled, holding her hand up to her face.

He lifted her up by her hair, and forced his mouth to hers, taking her lips, painfully; for himself. He drove his tongue deep into her mouth, making her want to gag. He released her; letting her fall to the hard ground. He cursed at the sky while he paced back in forth in front of her, dirt flying up around his boots with every step.

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