Chapter 24

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Aiya shot to her feet, pushing past James to the ladder, and racing up it two planks at a time— throwing open the hatch door. She scrambled onto the deck just in time to see one of Ragda's large ships sailing up to the starboard side of Jaril's smaller ship. The other four ships remained off to the distance, except for one that ceased James's ship. James's men looked at one another, worry on all their faces but still did nothing. Ropes were thrown from the invading ship, their hooks digging into the wood; securing them in place. Before anyone could move, Ragda's men began to board their vessel.

The men were silent as they moved around them into their positions. Esma moved to Aiya's side, James stood behind her next to Jaril and his men. Once they had positioned themselves, two of the men lowered a narrow wooden plank from one ship to the other. All was silent, say for the sounds of the water gently rocking the ships.

Her eyes fell to the deck of the ship, she didn't want to see him. She was hurt by him and felt betrayed. She loved him, she knew she did but how could she ever trust him again? She kept her eyes fixed on the wooden deck but she could hear heavy boots walking, and sounds of metal clanking together as he moved. When the sounds stopped, all was quiet again for a moment.

"Look at me Aiya,"

She held her breath for a moment, and slowly lifted her eyes to his. Ragda stood a distance from her, an expression of pain on his beautiful face, his defining scar less visible on behalf of the stubble that grew on his face. He was so handsome, even still.

He lunged toward her grabbing her face in his hands and kissed her. He was rough at first, worried she would pull away from him but when she didn't his affections grew more gentle. He took his lips from hers but did not release her from his grasp. Instead, he embraced her, burying his face in her neck. She could feel his warm breath on her skin and her eyes began to fill with tears.

"Annie told me what happened, reluctantly at first," He said before letting her go.

She could say nothing.

"I'm sorry Aiya,"

"How could you do that to me? Only marry me for a crown,"

He threw his hand up and ran his fingers through his hair and down the back of his neck.

"It's not what you think," He shook his head at her. Esma stepped forward.

"I know what I heard,"

"There is more," He replied, a pleading look on his face.

"I don't want to marry you Aiya to be King, I want to marry you because I love you. It was my mother's doing, she threatened you and I did nothing. She will never interfere again, I promise you. All I want is you, forgive me for not fighting for you, forgive me for not protecting you, forgive me,"

He dropped to his knees, she had forgotten everyone around them, watching.

In the end, she believed him, and after everything; he had traveled halfway across the ocean to find her.

"I forgive you."

Ragda got to his feet, a smile of relief on his face; he hadn't lost her after all. How beautiful she was and how different she had become.

"What did you do to your hair?"

Her hand went to touch her head where her hair had once been.

"I couldn't have you recognize me, now could I?" She smiled.

"I like it,"

"Who's this?" He looked at James.


"We seem to be at an impasse for is she, not your future Queen conquer?"

"She is,"

"Well, she is also my prisoner."

"You said you'd help me!"

"I said no such thing, I said I would think about it," James replied, leering. "Now I think otherwise,"

"Don't be a fool, Jaime. He has far more men than you, and you don't stand a chance." Jaril differed.

The tension began building between Ragda and James, their men readying their weapons. Ragda was unyielding as he sized up his opponent.

"She's no ones prisoner."

James looked to Aiya and then back to Ragda, he had never seen men so large in his life. He himself was not a small man, being a good six foot, three inches. He fathomed Ragda to be almost a whole foot taller though. They were all giants compared to his men and him, this was in no way a fight he could win. His scowl left his face as his hand left his sword.

He looked at Aiya and smiled, "Oh, I'm only joking! Things were getting far too sappy for me," He laughed.

"Honestly you two, save the mushy stuff for private," He called off his men, and walked over to Ragda, extending his hand in friendship. Ragda did not take his gesture but stared at him coldly.

"Alright," James moved over to Aiya, taking her hand and kissing it sweetly, Ragda flinched.

"You truly are very beautiful,"

"So you will help me?"

"With anything that you should need my Lady," He countered, walking away.

She smiled at him.

Come back next Wednesday for the final chapter of A Viking's Rage. Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed this chapter! :)

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