Chapter 16

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Ragda paced his room, he was distraught about everything that had occurred. Aiya had been tormented by his brother, therefore she had had a right to kill him. He was angry that she had had to do it, he should have protected her. How could one woman change his resolve? Before he could think too much on it his door was kicked open with a loud bang. He was used to being on guard, so with a quick agile motion, he took up his ax preparing himself. What he saw he did not expect, for who came through the door was no scared little girl, but a fierce force to be reckoned with.


Her hair was disheveled, the bodice of her beautiful dress had been torn, revealing the soft skin of her neck and chest. Her expression was that of utter determination, and something else; sadness perhaps.

"I'm sorry for your brother, but I will not sleep with one eye open for the remainder of my life," She declared,

Dropping his ax, with a loud clank on the floor, he advanced towards her. Grabbing her by her torn dress, he placed one hand behind her neck and forcefully brought her lips to his, kissing her. Grabbing her up in his arms, she sighed and clung to him, his hands slid down her body, clutching her bottom, he lifted her up forcing her legs to wrap around his torso.

"Ahem, I'll take it my services will not be needed," Thrain cleared his throat from the open door.

Aiya had forgotten he was behind her, she moved her head to look at him but Ragda brought her lips back to his, waving his friend off. "I'll just close this," He said, smiling as he moved to close the door behind him.

Ragda carried her over to his bed, a beautifully carved headboard stood high against the wall, they sunk into the soft mattress. As he laid atop her, she felt his hands exploring her body as he lifted her torn skirts to run his hands along her thighs. Soft, black cloth trousers covered his lower half, they were held up by a thick leather belt, she felt it pressing into her stomach. He wore no shirt under his fur vest, leaving his magnificent chest bare; for her wandering hands to explore.

He seemed to tower over her, he was strong, so much stronger than her. Still kissing her skillfully, she lay there staring up at him; he lifted his head to stare back at her. He smiled and moved his body down hers, taking her already torn hem of her dress and ripping it more. He tore it up her body, revealing her slender legs, he tore more to reveal the soft womanly curls between her legs, it was like golden silk. He continued to tear away what remained of her once fine dress to find a smooth flat belly and the very beginning of her perfect breasts. No more could he handle, he ripped the rest of the gown exposing all her body to him. She lay there, content under his gaze, her hair falling around her like a halo of champagne colored curls. He peered down at her as though she was the most exquisite creature on earth.

He removed his vest. As he undressed he kept his eyes on her. She sat up, parting her legs so he could kneel between them, her fingers working, trying to remove his thick belt, she threw it from her to the ground. He kicked his boots off his feet and then pulled the small strings on his trousers; they fell from his body like water running down a smooth stone. In an instant, he was kissing her again. How wonderful his strong body felt against her soft skin. She kissed him back with a passion she didn't know she could ever feel. He couldn't have torn himself away from her even if the room was on fire. He needed to taste her, to feel her. She didn't want to stop touching him, if he was to throw her from him just then she would have died, for never had she wanted something more.

"I love you," He spoke against her lips; before she could answer he was kissing her again, his tongue delving deeply.

She wanted him inside her, she took her hands and grasped his backside, lifting herself to meet him. With a loud groan, he drove into her. He took one hand and buried it in her hair, the other he used to force her legs around his waist. Her pain did not last long, every thrust of his manhood threatened to send her into a state of delirium. She had known from the first moment he had touched her, saving her from the wanton rope on the boats, that she wanted this. He rolled her over on top of him, with her legs straddling him she didn't quite know what to do. So, he took his hands, grasping her hips and began to move her back and forth. Before she knew it, she could feel something building up inside her, ready to explode into pure bliss.

It was more thrilling than anything she could have imagined, the intense pleasure she was feeling. He pulled her down to him by her hair and as he spilled his seed into her, he kissed her with all the power he could muster. She laid still atop him, both breathing heavily. She rolled from him to lay on her side, her back to him.

Not soon after she could feel his fingers caressing her scars, she closed her eyes.

"I shall kill whoever made these marks on your body," His lips kissing the numb flesh.

For a painful moment, Noah came to her mind, she didn't know why.

"I have to kill him," She stared into the fire as she spoke.

He rolled her over into his arms, looking into her eyes; he was silent.

"Did you mean it?" She ran her fingers over his bare chest.


"You said you loved me,"

He was quiet for a while, "Did I?"

"I do not recall," He moved her from him, and began to get off the bed, looking around for his trousers.

Finding them he pulled them on, wrapping his belt around his waist; he stared at her. She knew he had said it, there was no doubt, his behavior now had her confused.

"I don't know about you, but after such vigor, I get hungry," He smirked walking to the door.

"Can I bring you anything?"

She lay where he had left her, she had not even bothered to cover herself.

"I am fine,"

Aiya glanced down at her naked body, in the moment she had felt so good, but now her womanhood ached. She moved her hand to her inner thighs and felt something warm and sticky; bringing her hand back she saw the blood. She leaped to her feet, examining the sheets. Where they had laid together, a small stain of blood remained. She walked to the bathing basin in the corner of his room and began to wash the blood from her skin, walking over to the bed she pulled at the corners of the blanket and removed it.

Folding it up into her hands she walked over to the hearth and threw the fabric into the fire, she stood there naked, and silent. The day's events had left her exhausted, she found what remained of her ragged dress, realizing she could no longer wear it she threw it into the fire as well. Walking to Ragda's trunks, she opened one. Inside were thick woolen clothes. She pulled out one of his shirts and threw it over her head, it was baggy on her. She walked to the door, looking back over her shoulder at the bed before she left the room, closing the door behind her.

Early upload this week, got some plans for tomorrow. There will still be an upload tomorrow though.

Oh! I've moved A Viking's Rage and Conqueror Queen to the adventure category for a change so it can no longer be found in Historical Fiction. 

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