Chapter 19

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As Aiya threw the strap of her mother's sword across her chest, she turned to her aunt, who had removed her cloak to reveal two iron axes that rested on either side of a handsomely braided belt, that clung to her thin hips.

They weren't ordinary axes, they were elegantly crafted, like her sword. They were silver, with blue sapphires on the handles. Thin cream color leather had been wrapped around each of the grips. They were beautiful, a weapon for a true shield maiden.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this moment, shall we?" She gestured towards the door with one hand; Aiya smirked back at her.

They left the chambers together.


"She is an impostor Ragda! Your father was as blind as Einar and Aiyowind." Indride said.

He sat in the Great Hall, his expression dark. He will never step aside for some woman claiming to be the heiress to his throne; she would die, just as her mother and father had before her. Only then could he be king of Denmark, for his family had worked hard to secure their position and titles. He would not step aside without a fight.

"My father was not blind," Ragda was becoming annoyed, for his mother's brother was never his favorite relative. They had never seen eye to eye, for Ragda was most like his father. However Dagr had always been his favorite, for he was most like himself, they even resembled each other.

"Open your eyes Ragda! She murdered your own brother, my dearest nephew! Yet you sit here and defend her!"

"It was Dagr that killed my father, Aiya had every right to act as she did, and her actions were just and honorable." Ragda's voice was beginning to rise.

"Perhaps you, yourself are blind nephew." Indride leaned forward in his chair. "Has she warmed your bed? I'm sure she has bewitched you,"

"That's enough Uncle!" Ragda slammed his fists down on the table. "She is the Heir, she bares the mark. There is naught that you can do to fight it, let it be,"

Ragda did not see the silent order given to the two men of Indride's guard, for they had awaited the nod from their Lord to proceed, and they slipped from the room unnoticed.


The two women walked with purpose down the long, shadowy hall. It was becoming harder for Aiya to tell friend from foe, though she knew her aunt would not betray her.

Aiya felt a soft hand rest on her arm, halting her from movement. Adia peered up the hallway.

"We're being followed,"

Suddenly heavy quickened steps could be heard behind them, and they turned to find two very sizeable men with axes running towards them.

With such speed, they unsheathed their weapons and prepared for the coming attack. Aiya had to duck quickly for the first man swung his ax at her head, burying in the wood behind her. She swung around behind him kicking him hard in the rump, sending him flying to the ground. She turned to look for her aunt, who seemed to have everything under control; she ducked and dove, each time evading the giant ax threatening to sever each and every limb from her body.

Aiya turned back to her attacker and was greeted with the giant ax, once again she jumped out of the way, and the ax and wielder were too much force for her thin sword. To her luck the weight of the heavy ax threw her opponent off his balance when it connected with nothing but air, allowing her to slice his back open, and wounding him.

He spun around facing her with a look of pure hate, completely caught off guard by her abilities. He had been told she was an easy target, but he should have known a woman who could kill Dagr would make a difficult opponent.

He again lunged for her, swinging his ax sideways hoping it would connect with her ribs. He was sadly disappointed when she evaded his swing again, and this time taking her sword and slicing his stomach, spilling its contents on the floor. He fell to the ground and was forever still.

Aiya remained on her knees staring at her mother's sword, slowly moving it in front of her face, completely amazed at what she had done. She didn't even mind the entrails on the floor next to her or the smell of death.

"Who sent you?" Her aunt had the other man on his knees, an ax against his throat.

He spat in her face and laughed. She gave him a hard blow to the gut with her knee.

"You won't live out the night," He coughed as he smiled at Aiya, his yellow teeth covered in blood.

"Now send me to Valhalla," Adia took a step back and brought her ax down hard into his skull. Aiya couldn't help but flinch, for the cracking his skull made repulsed her.

"You didn't find out who is behind this!" Aiya exclaimed, "I already know the answer, my sweet," Adia looked at her niece, then at the body to her left. "Well done," She was proud.

"Indride," She finished before they both took off at a run towards the Great Hall, where they knew he would be.

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