Sukor - Heart connection

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Hey here is the first part I'm not sure how many parts this story will have.

Recap: Chakor had a dream abt her life n a man she couldn't see his face.

Chakor left for college n was pissed

-uff maa always troubling me without any reason... aah Thank God it's my last year well last 3 months yeah😁-

Payal (Chakors BF) was waiting: Oh madam did u lost on ur way u late again.
Chakor: sorry holding her ears
Payal: Chal theek hai maaf kiya (it's ok I forgive u).
Chakor smiled giving her flying kiss.
Payal: won't u tell me what happened?
Chakor: yaar kiya baatoun (what should I tell u) I had the dream..
Payal: What again? it's been months now. Chakor r u hiding from me?
Chakor: What... I don't hide anything from u.
Payal: Maybe it's from ur past life^^
Chakor: What past life... no.
Payal: okay teasing her. Let's go or we will get punished
Chakor: we r in college in still get punished what sad life 😭.

Payal n Chakor were entering the college the wind blows n Chakor got a sudden shiver she stopped n looked behind her but there was no1. She didn't look n moved ahead into some1. Chakor was abt to fall but the person hold her n she was save. She looked him into his eyes n his hand was on her back she got angry n said n a angry voice: cheap 😡 she stood up n left. Payal: What happen
Chakor: Nothing let's go.

The person totally irritated - what cheap that happens when u help the helpless-.
The person a young men looking for the principle's office asked another student: excuse me?
Student: yeah...
young Men: Could u direct me to the principal's office?
Student: sure. U go in the building it's in the first flour left.
Young men: Thx. Btw I'm Suraj I'm new here.
Student: Vivaan. Nice to meet u. They shake hands n Suraj left to meet the principal's.

Principal's office:
Knock Knock
Principal: Com'in
Suraj opened the door n enters the room.
Principal: Hello young men
Suraj: Hello sir.
Principal: Please sit.
Both sits opposite to each other.
Principal: it's very unique that we got a new student in the end of the semesters.
Suraj: My family shift here so do I.
the principal smiled n nodded
Principal: Oh yeah back to ur family there is still some formalities to do. Here is ur admission formula u forgot to name ur parents. Please give me the name...
Suraj: Bhagya Khanna
Principal: hmm n fathers name
Suraj was thinking n the principal was getting inpatient Mr. Suraj Khanna sorry...Raj...Rajvanshi.
Suraj: yeah well my parents died on a car accident KN n Teju Rajvanshi Bhagya is my Sister she is my family. As my parents r death I didn't give their name but yeah Bhagya Di is like my mom n her Husband Arjun Khanna is like my father he even wanted to adopted me. I respect both n when I was young accepted the name Khanna instead of Rajvanshi. Is this enough.
Principal: I'm sorry. yes it's alright u want to be called Suraj Khanna don't worry I will inform the teachers n here is ur schedule. I will bring u to ur class please follow me.

Well that's for now.

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