Sukor - Heart Connection

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Hi Thank u for ur support n encouragement 😊😙

Recap: Chakor announced her love for Suraj infront of every1. Unfortunately Vivaan heared the memory of their childhood. Adi n Payal hear it too.

Suraj n Chakor were dancing together. Chakor was happy her Suraj was back but wait he remembers the attack hmm. Chakor; looked at him Suraj. Suraj; yeah. Chakor; u remember my attack on the kindergarten incident how? Suraj; smiled u know u always talk abt dreams well this time it was me having a dream abt our childhood. Chakor; really hmm so that's the reason u know abt the attack on hmm what was the name of the witch... looking at Suraj, who is not that dumb to say the name 😕 don't know I just remember the act. Chakor; smirked smart boy. Suraj 😁.

Chakor n Suraj were abt to leave but without Adi n Payal wasn't it possible. Suraj; where r they? Chakor; don't know... 😮 oh. Suraj; what he asked confused. Chakor; comes near him Suraj with a love filled voice n puppy face. Suraj 😒 what now. Chakor; I sold U? Suraj 😲 what!!!. Chakor; holding her ears listen to me first. Suraj; I listen u said u sold me. Chakor; well yeah but not in a bad way. Suraj; ok then tell which way. Chakor hesitated 👉👈 well... Suraj; oh com'on. Chakor; I sold u to Payal. Suraj 😲Payal what the hell is wrong with U? We r in Love aren't we. We r a couple, right?! then y??. Chakor; uff Suraj. please listen I sold u but not in this way. Btw what is wrong in Payal. Suraj; I consider her as my sis. Chakor; gud bcz ur sis blackmailed me for helping me she wanted something in return n as she isn't so gud at College I told her that my nerdy boyfriend cam give her some tuition. Suraj😥 damn u scared me 😊🙄 of course i will give her some tuition. Chakor; yeahy 😄.

Adi n Payal heared their convo they don't wanted to eavesdropping it just happen 😁😉. Payal; thank u so much my bro. Suraj n Chakor surprised so u were listening to our convo. Adi; we no... We just come by n there u were. They laughed. Back in the car Adi tried to asked but Payal; didn't hesitate. Suraj Chakor what r u both hiding from us. Suraj; what do u mean. Adi; oh com'on Do u really think we didn't hear it. Chakor; what? Payal; ur past n dream. N something abt remembering???. Suraj; oh u hear it. Adi n Payal; ya! Suraj; ok fine let me explain u n he did. Suraj told them everything abt his past n the death if his parents the memory lost n the connection with Chakir he had from the first meeting. That his real Surname is Rajvanshi n Vivaan is his cousin n his parents were killed by his uncle n aunty he just needs to prove it. But as Bhagya doesn't want any violence he is taking the right way beating him in exams with better results. Payal; oh man that's so sad but u r heart connected 😍. Chakor; yeah 😍. Adi; what ya u were trying to run away of him he was persistence otherwise u where there n he where somewhere else 😋. Chakor 😣. Suraj; right. Chakor; Suraj 😠. Suraj 🤐.

Adi dropped them n Kasturi was waiting for Chakor n Suraj. Chakor n Suraj said bye to Adi n Payal. Suraj; Soo. Chakor; so? Suraj; we r home. Chakor; yes we r. Suraj; hmm should I drop u to the door?. Chakor; if u want. Suraj; hmm I want. Chakor; great 😊. Suraj dropped her to door she was looking for her keys 🔑 but "couldn't find it". Suraj understood he comes closer to give her a kiss.

Boom the door was open Kasturi 😬. Suraj n Chakor 😶. Suraj; see u tomorrow n runs away. Chakor was looking at him but there was nothing left than dust. Chakor; Mom... Kasturi; oh look there u found ur key. Chakor gulp yeah I just found it 😣 mom please leave my ear. Kasturi; really go up n change n then I will teach u a lesson. Chakor; Mom u said u like him. Kasturi; I like him but I didn't say to do anything like this. Chakor; we haven't u disturbed us. Kasturi; Chakoriya jhoohte khaigi aaj/ u wants to get beaten up with my shoes. Chakor; no mom. Sorry it won't happen again. Kasturi; he forgive u. Chakor; Haan 😊. Kasturi; first n last warning ok. Chakor; ok. - Suraj daarpook/ scaredy-cat. At least he said see u tomorrow 😊 -.

Suraj; uff my ears r safe does she still do it? Damn I have to call her otherwise she will kill me.

Suraj did the call after he reached home. Kasturi; Hello? Suraj; Kasturi Aunty it's me Suraj. Kasturi; was surprised. Wait let me call Chakor. Suraj; No wait. Kasturi; Haan tell me. Suraj; I'm sorry. Kasturi; oh now I understand. Suraj; I'm very sorry it won't happen again. Kasturi; really? Suraj; well not in ur presence 😅. Kasturi; be careful. Suraj; I'm asking for permission n after the exams I will gonna tell something u will be happy to know. Kasturi; what tell me. Suraj - oh no she is reacting like Chakor afterall mother n daughter -. No after the exams promise. Kasturi; u have guts. Suraj; don't say that if I had I wouldn't have run away 😶. Kasturi; but u admit ur fault n called to apologise. Suraj; yeah n I would like to come over tomorrow not alone Payal n Adi will be there too if u don't mind we will prepare for the exams. Kasturi; at least one of u have his focus on studying Sure u can come but only study. Suraj; promise 🤓 from Suraj the nerd. Kasturi; laughed I haven't heared this for long. Suraj - ops -. Suraj; I have to go to bed see u tomorrow. Have gud night. Kasturi; u 2.

On the next morning Suraj, Adi n Payal show up at Laals house. Chakor totally unaware of it was still sleeping on her bed. Kasturi; was in a gud mood oh she is waiting for u all u can go up. All three thanked her n went directly to her room. Payal; knocked no answer maybe she is in the washroom Adi n Suraj were sceptical hmm go first. Payal; ok. She entered the room n a snoring Chakor was sleeping oh man she is gonna kill us 😯 Adi n Suraj were waiting outside but both shout us no u😜!. Chakor, woke up by the noise. Payal what r u doing here? Payal; Chakor u remember study exams tomorrow. Chakor; u yeah we wanted to learn. Suraj; n we r waiting for u. Chakor jumped up 😳 what u r here. Adi; me too. Chakor; 😳 oh no. Payal y didn't u warn me. Payal; oh com'on how? Chakor; give me 5 min. Payal; of course. Kasturi; came the stairs up the princess wake up. Adi; So aunty u planned it. Suraj; of course she did who else could prank her. All laughed.

Chakor called them in n they did learn for study the whole day...🤓🤓🤓🤓 nerd power 🙌👍.

Vivaan was distracted of finding the truth but he made a deal with himself first the exams then the true abt this Suraj.

So the exams started n everyday they had another feeling...😣😁😊😕😔🤓 all were confused but very excited to know if they passed or not..

So let's see who passed n with which result.

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