Sukor - Heart connection

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Hey here is my update

Recap: Payal tried to make Chakor understand here mistake. Suraj is happy he is a becoming uncle (Mamu).

Chakor n Payal ways separated Payal lives in opposite direction of Chakor.
Payal: yaar ek baar thande deemag se soochle was he cheap or kind n helping u?
Chakor: hmm was all what came out of her.
Both said good bye c u 2morrow.
Chakor arrived at home n was thinking abt Payal's words -maybe I was to harsh it might be possible that he helped me- still in her thought she came in n Kasturi was standing infront of her with an angry face.
Kasturi: Oh miss u fond the way home
Chakor looked at her - Oh God aab kiya huwa?-
Chakor smiled n asked: mom I just come home after finishing my college schedule.
Kasturi: liar u r not ashamed to lie to me directly looking in my face. She was holding ur mom Hitler she might hear u.  Both started laughing.
Kasturi: The food is getting cold n I won't warm up again.
They sit together n started to talk abt their day Chakor didn't mention the incident with the new guy.. Suraj. After finishing with the food Chakor helped her mom in the kitchen n afterwards she went back to her room to do some studies for tomorrow remembering herself -if I come late again they will send me to principals office n mom will literally kill me - She put an alarm on n went to sleep after learning. She was asleep n again dreaming this time it was something new it's not anymore that Chakor runs behind him this time she is in his arms cuddling him she was abt to lookup at him but DINGDINGDINGDING her alarm starts to ring. She thought -yesterday mom today my alarm 😣 I will never c his face😭 - She looked at the alarm oh no she screamed. Chakor woke up 30 min later than her alarm starts to ring  she automatically hit the button to mute for 5 min. unintentional she repeated several times. Chakor got ready in record time. She just took a toast with butter n left.
Chakor - Payal will kill me - but was not there.

The classroom is still open it means the teacher hasn't arrived yet. I'm exhausted saying it holding the door frame.
Adi n Vivaan both were in the same class but not sitting together.
Adi: Oh Suraj. Don't worry u r safe the teacher hasn't arrives yet. - luck is on my side nothing can ruin my mood - Suddenly Suraj fall down some1 pushed him badly
Suraj: oouch yeh kis ka 150kg ka wasan tha? Kiya is college main kabaddi bhi kheli jati hai? (who is this person of 150kg? Does they play Kabaddi in thus college too?)the whole class started laughing n Suraj got up n turned his face. Chakor was starring at him in anger.
Chakor: U cheap. How dare u she shout at him. She had tearful eyes. He gulp - shit again she -.
Suraj: aahhmm. Before she could say something. He immediately pulled her towards him she was abt to scream but he put his hand on her mouth n signals with his eyes that some1 is coming they both rushed to their seats again next to each other.


Un/fortunately the class schedule of Sukor is exactly the same but they don't know it yet.

Sorry for the length

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