Sukor - Heart connection

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Hi don't y but I hope u still like the story...

Recap: Kasturi n Suraj have become friends 🤞. Chakor was jealous abt their bonding but Suraj asked for Sorry in his own style 😊.

Chakor let Suraj in his surprise for was that he would stay over the night 😊. Chakor; eat the chocolate n asked him how could u talk to mom like this u know na how she react. Suraj; are baba I'm so sorry but I just got a few pics of me memory n then I just stay on it n man u mist agree I'm the perfect SIL a.k.a. best lover for u. Chakor got shy. Suraj; oh wow what's this?. Chakor; kiya / what she asked surprised n looked around. Suraj pulled her to him n hold her chin with his fingers he said that hidden beautiful of ur shy face. I have never seen it before. Chakor; hugged him really. Suraj; Haan he nodded.

Chakor; So Mr. Suraj what is ur plan? She asked excited n in a teasing way.
Suraj; hmm let me think 🤔. First I will take a shower I don't know y but j need it. Chakor; 😮 what a... a sh...shower she stammer. Suraj; yes a shower. Chakor gulped alone? Suraj looked at her with a weired glance. Suraj; Chakor u thought I will take a shower with U?.Chakor turned with her red head😳. Suraj; uff u r killing me. Don't think dirty I don't know what I will do. Chakor; ok go there is the washroom. Suraj; Thank u. But what should I wear. Chakor; Do u want to wear my clothes. Suraj; hmm could be little bit difficult.

Kasturi was on the ground floor sitting on the couch n watching tv she was waiting for Bhuvaan.

Suraj; hmm ok fine I won't take a shower waise bhi finals ki jeet me baad kaafi dehrtak nahi tha maine / after the win of the finals I took a long shower 😎. Chakor; please Suraj don't fly high. U know the one who flies high fell very deep. Suraj; then stopp me from falling catch hold save me but don't u ever leave me. It was the first time Suraj asked her to stay with her n not to leave him ever again. Chakor; hugged him tightly I promise u whatever will happen I will be there to hold u, to care n love u. They had an eyelock moment.

Bhuvaan; arrived home Kasturiya please serve me food I'm starving. Kasturi served him n advices him to asked abt her day. Suraj was smart 😊 first impression is the last impression n it hit the right person Kasturi was a fan of him.

Suraj kissed her forehead n said ok what do u want to do? Chakor; can't we just stay like this? Suraj; hmm standing n hugging? we could lie down n kiss? Chakor 😮. She punch him 👊. Suraj; what we kissed before. Chakor; main ek shaarif Khandaan ki ek shaarif larki hoon / I am a girl of good house n have good manners. I won't do anything wrong which could effect the name of my parents. Suraj; u r joking right. I mean I'm here. Chakor; I know u r here n I'm happy but I didn't asked u to stay I was hoping for a surprise but hmm...
Suraj; like what he said angrily he hold her her tight. Chakor; ouch Suraj u r hurting me, please leave me. Suraj losses his grab n smiled it hurts u. Chakor u just called me a my manners bad. Here ur surprise. He throw a gift on her feets n said kick on it like on my heart my feelings I think u don't want me Chakor. Whenever I try to come close u do or say something to push me away. Like when I tricked Tina u slapped me. N now u just said I'm characterless n my mom/di has given me the wrong education of manners. Wow. At least I have enough time to speak n share my feeling to my mom not like u. Spend the most of the time alone. Suraj was abt to leave. Chakor hold him back. Chakor; Suraj please don't go she was crying I know what I said was wrong. I didn't mean it. Suraj; leave me. U know losing it memory is one thing but remembering those beautiful memories it's the most special n precious things that could happen. I didn't know it but meeting continuously I gain more n more back n today with ur mom it felt like I was back the young Suraj who was not talking to a stranger but to his lovely aunty but even this wasn't right for u. Chakor what's wrong y r u behaving like this? Chakor; I don't know. Every1 left me alone. N I don't wanted to be used n left alone again. Suraj; did I force U? he pushed her. Did I asked u to take off ur clothes? Chakor shook her head. Suraj; right I didn't n open the gift if u want n u will understand y. Suraj left Chakor alone.

Chakor cried she didn't had the guts to open the gift it was a small package which said no! screamed aloud what it is. Chakor slowly went down n picked up it was a suspected a ring a silk one. The only thing on it were the initial S ❤ C 4ever in the inside of the ring. Chakor couldn't stop acting n thinking of him - y i said it y.  He is right whatever he does I push him away -.

Kasturi told Bhuvaan abt Suraj n how happy she is that her girl made g his choice. Bhuvaan - wow she never praised her so much that big must be a diamond -. I think u should go up n tell her how happy u r n that we agree. Kasturi; Haan I will just go.

Suraj was too angry to go home but where else should he go. Arjun was awake #Bhagya didn't let him sleep only after the return of Suraj he was allowed to sleep#. Arjun; Suraj. Suraj - oh no Jiju is awake -. Yeah Jiju. Arjun; something happen? Suraj was trying to hide it but Arjun knows him well. Arjun; Suraj in a demanding tone. Suraj told him abt his fight with Chakor. Arjun; u gave her a ring. Suraj; that's all u can think abt? Di is absolutely right abt U. Arjun; What? what does she say? Suraj; that u don't listen carefully. Arjun; I do but she says so much. Suraj nodded yeah. Arjun took a breath; I know it's ur personal matter but maybe u should let her explain. Suraj; I tried many times but not anymore if she wants me them she has to fight for me. Arjun; how? Suraj; don't know? he stood up n left.

Kasturi heared her crying she knocked n went in Chakor what happen y r u crying. Chakor - should I tell her. Yeah I should otherwise there would be no change in my behaviour -. Chakor told her abt the secret visit n the first fight. She showed her the ring but doesn't know what to do. Kasturi; I'm happy u said this but the way was wrong. Chakor do u love him. Chakor; maa more than anything else. Kasturi; did u try to call him? Chakor nodded but he disconnect the line. Kasturi; if u love him show him but stay in ur limits. I know he loves u. I know he tried to safe u from scold I think u deserve more now but I want him 4 u. So u will fight 4 ur love. Chakor nodded. Kasturi; one more thing. When ur problem is sorted out. Then tell him to come with his family ok. Ur Papa n me wants to meet them. Chakor hugged her.

Suraj was trying to sleep but couldn't - Chakor Chakor Chakor even in my dreams u r there -. Chakor was trying to call him again n again. But Suraj didn't pick up. Chakor - I think I know how to make u happy n u might forgive me -.


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