Sukor - Heart connection

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Hi that's now an update 😊

Recap: Sukor were caught by Kasturi who called Suraj home after uni. At the uni. The final football match was played n Home team Adi n Suraj team win. Thanx to them n the one only goal keeper who hold the last ball of the opponent player. The uni. decided to celebrate the win with a party on Saturday night. Suraj promised Chakor a surprise.

longest recap ever 😁😂

The match is over n the players were all getting fresh up. Chakor n Payal were waiting for Adi n Suraj coz of the first meeting with Kasturi Adi suggested to accompany them to break the ice as Kasturi knows Payal n Adi well. Chakor; kahan reh gaye itna waqt kyoun lagarahe Hain koi shaadi main jaana hai/ where r they y it's taking so long r they getting ready for a wedding?. Payal; yaar my legs r paining we r standing n waiting for them n they didn't even show up. Chakor wait let knock at the door she did as said n knocked no response Chakor; should we go in? Payal; have u gone mad? who knows in which condition they r? Chakor; issi ka to maaza hai / that's the real fun 😈😁. Payal; u r too much n don't forget my bro is inside so thank u. Chakor; oh yeah. They waited 10 min longer n the first players came out. Chakor n Payal congrates them 1 by 1 n in the very end Adi n Suraj came. Payal; Bhai u took so much time. Adi; arre I was ready but our Prince charming needed some more extra time. Chakor; Suraj u know mom is waiting. Suraj; exactly she is waiting should I be a stinking man for my first meet with her. Chakor; no. But please let's go now. All agreed n they took Adis car.

It's Adi's car so he was driving the car. Adi; Suraj do u know what u want to say to Kasturi Aunty? Suraj; not really I wanted to wait for her questions if they will be easy jackpot but... if they will be tough u have to help me. Payal; how? Suraj; hmm I don't know? Chakor; u should use a sign only 4 will know. Suraj; like? Payal; like if the question is tough u can scratch ur nose like this she showed how she meant it with the index finger on the nostrils. Adi; nice but Suraj can u do that? Suraj confusing obviously I can what's that for a question. Payal; hmm but how we will help? I mean those questions we can't answer. Suraj; no but u can try to change the topic if possible just try it. Please making a puppy face.
okay all in a chor 😊😁.

They reached the Laal house n Chakor; said first Suraj just hi, hello the small talk type. Mum will make us sit n ask for drinks n food. Just say yes first n when she serves take it n be the gentleman u r. Suraj; a little bit angry do u think I will fail... Payal; Suraj please u don't know her she misunderstood Adis n her relationship she thought they might have something. Chakor turned to Payal n made an angry face which said "u idiot he didn't know" n Adi hit is palm against his head - y she can't keep quite -. But Suraj; wasn't angry no he had an idea - I know I just need to remember n I will 😁 -. Let's go she must be waiting.

Chakor took out her keys but Suraj stopped her. Suraj rings the door bell n Kasturi was waiting for them she was next to door n opened. Kasturi; looked behind them n said don't tell me I did another mistake. Looking from Chakor to Suraj n from Payal to Adi. Chakor; Uff moooom can we come in our we have to stay the whole day out n u have ur talk here.  Suraj; chup/ keep quite. He goes a step forward Aunty there is no mistake I'm Suraj Khanna n he took Chakor hand u intuition is right here he pointed with his finger to Chakor n himself is something cooking. Kasturi; was happy - He is a smart boy but she is a bhudhu / silly girl will this relationship stay? -. Come in Looking behind them again, all of u.

They entered the house which was very clean n simply decorated. Kasturi; Chakor take them to the living room I will get some snacks drinks Chakor nodded n goes with the others. Kasturi was in the kitchen n Chakor tweaks Suraj in his arm. Suraj; ouch yeh kis liye tha/ what was this for? Chakor; how could u say chup. Suraj; goes closer to her n holded her hand he pulled her toward him just for fun. I remember how she used to keep u calm bcz u r a chatterbox. Chakor; leave my hand. Suraj hold his cheek infront of her but Adi; cough man we r here. Suraj totally forgot them he immidiately left her hand n sitted on the couch. - shit I just said I remember how she used to keep her calm I hope they didn't hear it n won't ask any questions -.

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