Sukor - Heart Connection

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Hello n Thank u all so much for liking the Previous Chapter 😊.

Recap: Sukor found each other. Suraj has a secret to reveal....

Chakor was happy to know that her childhood friend Suraj Rajvanshi is still alive n is no1 else than Suraj Khanna. Chakor hugged him tightly her still crying n trying to figure out what news she got. Suraj made her calm psst listen if u cry louder then it might be possible that some1 he showed to the door could get suspicion he wiped her tears away n give her a hanky. She took n sniffed on it.

Chakor n Suraj were still on the bed. Suraj moved her hair to see her face. Her eyes were red like her nose her lips were trembling he didn't think long n kissed her soft lips. She let him the warm kiss made her calm she hold his neck with her hands it was an innocent kiss his left hand was holding her face n his right hand was on her back to stroke it. He was over her but he didn't drag her. Suraj changed he took his left hand away which makes Chakor to stop the kiss what happen she looked at him he stretched his left hand up to make a pillow he called her with his hand (u know with the way of waving her to him) She moved to him n made him touch her face again with his hand she rounded to him n hold his left hand with her left hand. His palm was over her back hand she was breathing fast her breast goes up n down her head was resting on his chest she heard the fast racing of his heart beat. He could feel her every shape of her made him crazy I wanted more but if he does more he won't stop.

Chakor Suraj don't leave me ever again. Suraj no I won't. Can I stay here not long just a little bit. Chakor u just promised me not to leave me again u will stay the night she demanded. Suraj wanted to refused but he remembered his old friend n how stubborn she can be he didn't argue with her.

Arjun he did what. How he even find out he asked shocked. Bhagya he was out to meet Chakor n he saw a pic of him. He came home in a hurry n started questioning me he had the same picture. I told u back when my parents were alive we had a family friend they weren't rich but kind hearted The Laal Family n they had a daughter Chakor Laal n... Arjun I understand this is his Chakor he always remembered n talk abt in the beginning. Bhagya nodded he asked me y Chakor n her family weren't informed that he is alive y they thought he is death. Arjun so u told him the truth she nodded again Vivaan our cousin is at the same age of Suraj both r attending the same uni. But Vivaan doesn't care abt anything but himself Suraj told me. Arjun now he knows the truth what now? Bhagya I don't know he is the real heir of the Rajvanshi Company. Arjun he said he is going out to meet some1 that means he is going to meet Chakor...

Chakor I can't sleep like this. Suraj do u want me to go he got up but she was still holding him. Chakor no she shook her head. She smiled n said it's so warm don't u think so. Suraj ur hot 😁. Chakor 😶. Suraj do want me to open the window he turned it's still open hmm A.C. u have. No she said. He was sitting n she comes closer I want my private show 😋. Suraj 😊 Acha yeh baat hai / oh that's the point he pull off his shirt. He lies next to Chakor again happy. Yes she confirmed much better. Suraj Naughty girl he gave he an Eskimo kiss n lies over her they asleep.

They slept long n Kasturi was knocking on the door Chakor u r getting late uff this girl what should I do. Suraj n Chakor were scared but Kasturi left Chakor got ready n no shame she change infront of Suraj it felt like the old Chakor is back. Suraj waited for a gud opportunity to leave.

Chakor was sitting on her place n waiting for Suraj. But Suraj was missing the whole day. Payal n Adi were tensed too let's go we will give him a surprise okay? They all agreed.

Suraj was at home in his room. Chakor, Payal & Adi knocked before entering his room. Suraj was lying on his bed with a bandage on his leg. Bhagya was behind them u know my brother loves to do extreme sport n some times it goes wrong he needs rest he will be back tomorrow Bhagya saw to Chakor n Suraj. They stayed n talked n after having dinner Payal n Adi left. Chakor was very excited Bhagya Di I'm so sorry I couldn't recognise u or Suraj. Bhagya u were very small when I left my studies it's ok btw u griw up to a very beautiful girl ops sorry women. Chakor got shy n Suraj was like - wah here u shy at it place u were naked how can i forget this tja I don't want to - He smiled like an idiot. Chakor what happen to him Bhagya don't know. But I can give u both some time u can take him up to his room if u want. Yes she said Chalo/let's go she ordered him. Suraj obey her.

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