Sukor - Heart Connection (last)

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Hi to all of u. I wanted thank u all for the love for this ff 😊.

Recap; Finally they got married Chakor had to wait for year. But Suraj wedding gift was to spend a year with her alone no Work.

The result of one year full of love.

Chakor was sleeping n some1 come on her face. Chakor; murmuring Suraj...

Suraj was sleeping peacefully next to her but another person comes well yeah see what happen...

Daddy wake up. Suraj got a shock n was abt to fall from the bed. Chakor smiled still a tummy on her face. Suraj; u must be laughing right. She nodded. Suraj watch no. 1 Armaan no. 2 Sapna n no. 3 Chandini his triplet with Chakor. Suraj; kiya huwa meri jaan / what happen my life? The 3 in a chor; breakfast. Suraj how old r u now? The 3 again; 4 1/2 years daddy y r u asking? Suraj; I'm counting how long I have to feed u. Armaan; papa after us there is still one he pointed on his mom n the baby boy who was still lying on her face. Suraj; I don't count him anymore I know he will stay with us forever. Maa da laadla/ fav of mom. Chakor; murmuring don't scold my baby... Suraj; kiya bola/ what she said. The three; don't know. Chakor took her baby son on her chest n repeated don't scold my baby 😡. Suraj; y would I. after a marriage life of 5+ years I know what to say n what not. Sapna; Daddy... She looked at him with a puppy face. Suraj looked at Chakor n signals her - see what u teach them -. Chakor rolled her eyes. Suraj; yes my honey. Sapna; I want pancakes. Armaan; no daddy I want cereals... aahhh they all looked at Chandini; I want an omelette 😋. Suraj repeated the wish list of his kids n looked at Chakor. What do u want? Chakor; Pancakes 😁. Suraj; looked at baby no. 4 who was just 1 3/4 years old n his name was... Suraj; Prem what do u want? Prem; duud 😊. Suraj took him in his arms n walked to the kitchen.

Chakor took the older ones n wash their faces n told them to brush their theeths. Suraj gave him milk (duud). Suraj made the pancakes n took a bowl he put in cereals with milk n nuts n for Chandini he made an omelette. Suraj; Prem y u love mama more than papa? Prem looked at him with big eyes he didn't understood a single of what Suraj wants to say n Suraj knows it but he lived to talk to him in this way.

Chakor came with the kids u see to spend a full year with love is a result of 3 beautiful kids. Chakor; Suraj did talked to him again y he loves me more than u. Suraj; how Do u know this. Armaan; bcz it's written on his face. Suraj; what; Sapna; confusion. Chandini; Haan look at him. Suraj saw his confused face. Suraj; apni maa ki aulat hai / he is the son of his mother. Chakor; Suraj stopp this nonsense.

They sat on the dining table n ate the food. The 3 got ready for their class they r attending the 1st grade. Chakor n Prem stays at home the whole day n play alot. Suraj drive the kids n dropped them in the end of the day he picks them up. Chakor cooks in the mean time while Prem is sleeping in his bed.

Chakor; today is a special day. Now we will see how much he really loves me. Suraj n the kids come home. The three; mummy we r hungry. Chakor - the sound of their voice 😍 calling me mummy 😍😍... Suraj 😡 -. Chakor comes from the kitchen was ur hands n face ok. Ok!!! 😊😊😊. Chakor turned away from Suraj - he forgot -. Suraj; where is my kiss? he asked to himself than to Chakor who was back in the kitchen. Suraj - y is she angry? -. Suraj went up n was getting ready when Prem starts crying. Suraj took him in his arms. Prem loved it to wear his shirt he loves the smell. Suraj; oh u wearing my shirt so u love me 😊. Prem was laughing n playing with his nose. Suraj; ur mummy is angry 😟 I don't know y, do u know?. No... even if u would know u wouldn't tell me Right? I know u very well. Suraj kisses his cheeks he cuddle him alot. Suraj; Do u know u where the surprise of our life. No. Ok is Now gonna tell u a story.

Sukor story;
When mom n Dad got married exactly 5 years ago. Dad gave ur mom a promise to stay with her a full year no Work. Prem r u listening daddy is gonna tell u the story only once. Prem looked at him with his big eyes. Suraj further. Ur was very happy....

Chakor; a year a full year Ur going to spend with me n no Work will come between us. Suraj nodded I have to fullfill a few wishes. Chakor thought which she asked him. Suraj hit his palm on his head n said ur wish to become a mother. Chakor 😮😶😳 Haan 😄. Suraj; don't worry after a year u will be a mother. Chakor; n what if not. Suraj; hmm adoption? Chakor; gud a plan b.

See Prem daddy is smart he thought abt everything.

Mom n Dad were gone for a honeymoon in Bangkok n in Dubai Haan we made a honeymoon trip to 2 destinations. Prem clapped I won't tell u what we did but whatever we did it worked 😁. Mom n Dad were back home. Chakor; Suraj my head. Suraj; let me check I will give u a message Haan. Chakor smiled Haan. She was lying on his lap n he message her head. After a few days of their return Chakor got a dizzy feeling her head was still pounding. Bhagya n Kasturi were there too n notice the change in her behaviour no milk but salty n sour food. They advices her to go to a doctor.

Suraj; do u know she did went to a doctor n on the next day she told me we r expecting 😊😊😊. Prem was dancing on Suraj lap (sounds curious).

Chakor; uff a year is almost over... Suraj; yeah I know but who could think we would get triplet? Chakor; I could tell u that. Suraj; really u was the one who couldn't get enough. Chakor 😲 Suraj.

Hahaha u r laughing too Prem. See mom was pregnant with ur siblings n then they came.

Chakor; Suraj it's hurting I can't bear it anymore. Suraj; couldn't see the pain. Doctor can't u do anything?
The doctor we could do a Cesarean birth. Chakor; Do it!!!!. Suraj just nodded.

So it siblings came n I had to start my work... Now Prem u can imagine how angry ur mom was when I left her alone with the kids. Prem 😞. Suraj; yeah very angry. But ur Nani came to help ur aunt came to help n all was working gud. Just ur mom n dad's love life not...😣. Prem 😣. Suraj; maybe u r my son? Prem clapped...

Do u know it took us 2 or 3 years to have love each other 😊 n u came psst. 😄😄😄.

Chakor were the hell r they? Kids where is it papa? All three were confused. Chakor; went up to their bedroom. Suraj was playing with Prem on the bed he was cuddling him. Chakor - how can i stay angry with u -. Suraj the food is getting cold come.  She was leaving but Suraj stopped her. Suraj; wait where r u going. Chakor; Suraj the kids r waiting n r hungry. Suraj; just 5 min. close ur eyes. Chakor; what?. Suraj; close na. Chakor; ok she did close her eyes. N Suraj took a chain n put it in her neck. Chakor opens her eyes. Suraj; this chain contains all the letters of ur love ones. S.A.S.C.P.. Chakor; hmm it's stupid. Suraj; what. Chakor; but I love it. She hugged him I thought u might have forgot our wedding anniversary. Suraj; I'm not mad. The three came down n started to eat.

In the evening Chakor; Suraj this is our first round anniversary. Suraj; hmm. I love u n I want many of these round anniversaries. Chakor; me too. They heard footsteps Suraj looked back n saw the older 3 coming to them. Chakor; aren't u sleeping yet?. The three 😊. Happy Anniversary we made it at school 4 u both. Chakor 😢😢😢😭 u made me cry I want one more baby. Suraj; what!!!!😲😲😲.

Chakor; joking 😂😂😂 but still u made me cry oh look mom that's u they made a big picture n thus is dad. This bhai Prem baby. N that's we 😄😄😄. 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Such a big family.

Haan a big happy family.

Sorry for any mistakes...

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