Sukor - Heart Connection

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Hello I'm trying to update earlier or at least an update of any ff I write it coukd be possible that I skip one bcz I have an idea for another one... sorry for that in advance 😊.

Recap; Suraj n Chakor had a fight. Suraj can't understand Chakor n her feelings.

Chakor was lying on the map of Kasturi she felt safe - y I run so far from my mom? Suraj even fighting with me u teach me u r right I don't know what I want but now I'm sure tomorrow night is the winners party I will win u back 😊 - After a while she felt asleep n Kasturi stayed the night at Chakors room having her little girl back made her cry from heart - This Suraj has bring us close after many years I can say my daughter is back -.

Suraj n Arjun had a long talk but Suraj wasnt ready to listen in that moment. He knew Chakor had a hard time but y he y it's always he who has to suffer under her emotional chaos. Suraj felt asleep m this time dreamt of his Childhood (😉 wanna know, right 😜)

Chakor woke up on the next morning still lying on Kasturis lap - Mom stayed her the whole night for me - Chakor hugged her n Kasturi woke up by the tight hug. Kasturi; Chakor how u become so strong? I can't breath. Chakor; smiled has u give me so much of muscles building food She said showing her biceps 💪 😂 Both laughed n Bhuvaan who was wsiting outside of the room was happier than ever after such a long time they r sharing a moment of joy.

Suraj woke up with a smile... hehe. Bhagya n Arjun were talking abt Suraj mood of yesterday. Arjun; I feel very bad for Chakot but I understand him too the way of misunderstandings she unwanted to creat happens. Bhagya; I know Chakor n I'm sure it's just a phase she has to find herself n I'm very sure she will fight to get her friend back. Suraj; wow u r talking behind my back please I'm here say what u want Arjun; tonight u r going to the party right. Suraj; yes. Bhagya; so u lied to me. Suraj confused n scared; what no? Bhagya; didn't u told me u r going to meet ur friends n celebrate with them? Suraj nodded - shit Chakor u got me caught stupid fight - Di I mean Maa I was just wanted to spend some time with her. Bhagya; by lying to me. Suraj was thinking what to say but no she was right he asked her whatever n he got it n yesterday he lied to her being selfish. Suraj; give me any punishment n I will take it 😊. Arjun; fine u know the baby room. Suraj nodded looking at the tummy of Bhagya. Arjun; it's not ready yet u will help me. Suraj; What😣. Arjun; what do u mean with what. U grow u r stronger taller than me n don't u want to give ur nephew or niece something special. N yeah I will give enough time to get ready for the party. Now let's breakfast then we will start with the room. Bhagya; my two strong men's 😄. Suraj - I will have so much pain😣 but baby for u will do everything 😚 -.

Chakor n Payal were talking over the Chakor told her abt the fight with Suraj. Payal; Chakor u know it's ur fault. Chakor; yeah I know n that's the reason y i need ur help, please come over n help me getting ready for my Prince charming 😚😚😚. Payal; hmm let me think abt it🤔 what will be my benefit helping U? Chakor; what kind of friend r u? u r so mean hmm I will ask Suraj to give u tutoring 😉. Payal; done 😊.

Arjun n Suraj decided the wall color of the baby room it's white neutral color but Suraj is gud in painting  on made same drawings on the wall like Donald duck, Simba n Abu from Alladin... N many more. Both were done n exhausted. Bhagya; came with cold drinks wow that's looking so cute unfortunately u have to do it again... Arjun n Suraj looked at her 😫😲 WHAT both said. N Bhagya; started laughing I was just joking just look at it faces 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣. Both relieved 😥 n angry but seeing Bhagya laugh made the anger vanish she meant alot to both. Bhagya; Suraj ur punishment is over u can go n get ready my bro has to be the most stylish n handsome man on the party.

Suraj was in his room he took a shower n the door bell rings Adi was there n Suraj was getting ready. Adi; sorry I came without informing. Bhagya; no it's ok come. Suraj is getting ready. Adi; hmm. Arjun; go u know his room wait for him n make him clear misunderstandings in relationships r normal. Adi; Bhai I know Payal is with Chakor n had told her on phone that's her fault but they have to clear this mess but we will help 😊😉.

Chakor was getting dressed n Payal bought her clothes too change n get ready together.

Suraj comes out of the washroom n found Adi on the chair of his desk. Suraj; Hey bro. Adi; wah yaar I really took long I thought it was yesterday bcz of meeting aunty but after today... Suraj smiled 😁. Suraj; what r u doing here? Wanna get ready with me. Adi; kind of I just dropped Payal at Chakors place {Adi looked at Suraj face to see his mimic after mentioning Chakors name but nothing}. Suraj; great. Does it mean u will drive? Adi; wah yaar so I am a driver for all first Payal then Payal n Chakor now u trio. Suraj; oh com'on if I had a car I would take everywhere u want. Adi; u have a driver license? Suraj nodded. Adi; fantastic u can drive. Suraj; fine I will but u will sit on the passenger seat. Adi; done.

Payal got a message from Adi #Suraj is coming with us😉 mission Sukor starts ^^# ping another message #to all it will be a masqured party#. Payal informed Chakor who was on cloud 9 but still she needs an idea to apologies n to show her love n trust on him.

Suraj; what masqared oh no. Adi; y u don't like. Suraj; was thinking n then smirked it's ok I think it's the best which could happen.

They got all ready n picked the girls up at Chakors place. Both mens gentleman's as they r greeted Kasturi n took permission well Suraj asked. Chakor - maybe he already forgive me😊😊 -. Wrong Chakor n Payal were sitting at the backseats n Payal was sitting behind Suraj he demanded.


They entered the hall n the music was on the football players were hailed by every1. Even from Tina who had seen the rude behaviour of Suraj to Chakor  - Oh so something happen that's my chance -. Tina; went to Suraj congratulation u win she gave him her hand he hesitated but he took it n shake. Chakor was burning in fire (u all guess right he will make her jealous). - Stupid Suraj y is he talking to Tina -. Suraj; saw Chakor n was smiling Tina wanna dance with me? Tina; was surprised is it a trick? Suraj shook his head. Tina; find let's go on the dancefloor. Guess DIL cheek tujhe dedi... was played... Chakor got jealous n Payal tried to make her understand that he is celebrating with the others...

Chakor moved from there n thought - how to get him back...🤔 - O have to fight for my love. how dare she to dance with him every1 knows he is my bf. Chakor comes back with more confidence she walked directly to Suraj who was now dancing with another girl Chakor remembered that she was present when Suraj played to the first time more anger 😡😡😡. Chakor was smiling this smile was dangerous she come between them n pushed the girl away. Suraj; Chakor what kind of behaviour is this I was dancing. Chakor; I know u were dancing but I just to remind u n all the others u r my Boyfriend n she just didn't say it no she shout !Suraj Khanna I love u. Please sorry 🙏🙉 forgive me!. Suraj was surprised be was expecting something else but his heart was beating only for Chakor he smiled madly n open his arms for a hug. Chakor jumped on him.

Suraj; in her o thought u will do something else. Chakor; hmm 🤔. Oh 💡. U thought I would break some1s nose right like at kindergarten when the stupid Priya wanted to snatch u away. How do u remember? Suraj; I dreamt of it n I thought I will make her jealous so she can take revenge of some students who harmed her. Chakor; what she started laughing n Suraj too.

Both forgot the others n the way Chakor told this past memory Vivaan was surprised - y she said this I remember it but this was with... Suraj, could it be possible no he died right? -
Imli; saw Vivaan what happen where r u lost. Vivaan; nothing come. Well not only Vivaan but also Adi n Payal got to know abt this n were confused.

After the party they drive home but before that Adi n Payal insisted to know abt this memory. Suraj n Chakor told them abt his past their connection...

Sorry if something in the story wasn't like u expected..

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