Sukor - Heart Connection

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Hi now the time comes 😊

Recap: All passed the exams n Suraj scored with 99%. Bhagya called every1 for a dinner party n she is ready to face Kasturi n Bhuvaan. A guest more is coming...

Suraj was very excited he doesn't earn money but he got an ancient ring from Bhagya which belonged to Teju. Arjun; nice right. R u gonna asked for Chakors hand. Suraj; yes, I think it's the right time. I waited a long time she belongs to me. Bhagya; Suraj please let us talk to Bhuvaan n Kasturi I'm sure they will have many questions. Suraj; yeah must be right. Arjun; oh look at the watch it's getting time com'on.

They went down n the first family came it was the Khuranna Family. Adi, Payal came in n introduced their parents Father Amit n Mother Pooja n a special guest Payal said... Suraj; who?. Adi; our elder Brother Ajay he is here just for the weekend he studies in Goa. Suraj; oh Hi nice to meet u he gave his hand to Ajay. Ajay; Hi thank u for the invitation nice to meet u too. He shook his hand n they went in into the living room. Bhagya served them cold drinks.

Kasturi, Bhagya n Chakor made their way to the Khannas. Chakor ring the door bell. Mom Dad u will be surprised n please don't be angry. Kasturi - hmm maybe this is my naughty Suraj Rajvanshi -. But Ajay open the door n Bhuvaan was surprised abt the handsome hunk his daughter choose. Ajay greeted them n welcomed them in. He saw Chakor n was mesmerized by her beauty she was wearing her new outfit (u remember Sukor wedding see the display pic😊). The Laal Family came in. Bhuvaan gave Ajay the hand n said; I'm very happy to meet u. Ajay; same here. Ajay went to Chakor n took her hand n kiss it. Hi 😊. Chakor was irritated she took her hand back Hi.

Kasturi didn't liked it who r u n where is my Suraj. Suraj heard it n come running. Bhuvaan; what this is not Suraj showing at Ajay. Suraj; No I'm Suraj n this is Ajay Adi n Payals big bro. Chakor; 😀 really. Payal never told me. Bhuvaan; wait u kiss my daughter's hand. Suraj; what 😲 y?. Chakor; it's ok forget it. Come let me introduce u to my father. Suraj; Sir. Nice to meet u. Bhuvaan; bless u my son they both did a handshake. Bhuvaan - Suraj Rajvanshi - He saw Bhagya. Kasturi; I knew it this my naughty Suraj my nerd. Bhagya n Kasturi hugged Kasturi took blessings from Bhuvaan n Kasturi.

Suraj n Chakor were chatting with Adi n Payal. Suraj was eyeing Ajay - how could he kiss Chakors hand what the hell does he think of himself -. Chakor saw Suraj look n hit him softly with her elbow. Suraj; what? he asked her. Chakor; y r u staring at him. It was a hand kiss nothing to worry abt. Suraj; u take it very easily maybe u liked it. Chakor; Suraj u r too much.

Bhagya n Kasturi were having a nice talk Bhagya asked them to stay longer if possible so they could talk in private. Kasturi agrees n was still overwhelmed by the events. Bhuvaan talked to Arjun n said how pride n happy he is to see the daughter of his old friend KN again happy n in a welcoming moment her pregnancy is the on top of all.

They all were back with the Khurranas n were talking abt the kids n studies what future plans they r having. Bhagya; Ajay what r u studying in Goa? Ajay; I'm in my final year of Law. Chakor; wow that's cool isn't it Suraj. Suraj looked at her 😡 yeah very cool. Adi; hmm I will go further for journalism. Payal; my design study is over but I think I will do my master on it. Chakor; I did economics n I don't think I will study further. Suraj; y any1 stopps u? Chakor shook her head. Kasturi; uff let her tell me Suraj what u will do. Suraj; I will go n fight for my right. Ajay; ur right? Suraj; yes my study is over I did my master in economics n now I will start to work. Chakor; but Suraj... she made a face n folded her hands infront of her chest. Suraj; uffo it's not like u will miss me. Pointing on Ajay with his eyes. Chakor; ok baba I'm sorry. Suraj; well if u r really sorry then don't say no. Suraj took out the ring of his passed Mother Teju. Suraj; today I'm asking infront of every1 will u marry me. Chakor Bhuvaan Laal. Ur soulmate Suraj Rajvanshi? Chakor was happy so were the others. Adi; look I told u he will ask her. Payal; yeah. Ajay - Oh 😞 wrong number I tried ops. They could had told it me earlier -. Chakor; yes I will. She hugged him n he put the ring on her finger. They all clapped now let's start to eat Bhagya said.

Chakor n Suraj were sitting at the couch alone. Suraj; u were teasing me with Ajay. Chakor nodded u were jealouse n I took advantage of it. afterall I had to payback ur prank on the party. Suraj; but I was angry n u just did it for fun... Chakor; holded her ears Sorry. Now smile for me smile smile smile 😊. Suraj smiled n they went for the others n had dinner.

In the end Ajay; I'm sorry for my behaviour I shouldn't have kissed ur hand. Chakor; it's ok. Suraj; don't do it ever again n we r ok. Ajay; No I won't. Btw y said u will fight for ur right maybe I can help u in the legal way. Suraj; yeah that would be great. Chakor; that's superb. Adi; n I will help too. Payal; I don't know how but u can count on me too. Suraj was overwhelmed n embarrass at the same time he thanked them. Ajay; Rajvanshi right. Suraj nodded. Ajay; when I will come back I will be fully prepared so please don't do anything wrong. Suraj shook his head.

The Khurrans left n the Laal stayed n talked abt Sukor wedding. Bhagya; Chakor y won't u study more or work? Chakor; easy I will be housewife n will take gud care of Suraj. Suraj smiled n though n got scared 😰😨😵😱. Every1 saw this. Arjun; Suraj what happen?. Suraj; I would appreciate it if u wanna work or study more. Chakor; y 😡. Suraj; u r not a housewife don't kill he runs away n Chakor; Suraj! followed him up to his room. Suraj hold her tight n gave her love filled kiss. Chakor was speechless her anger vanish n she embraced him.

Bhagya; Kasturi ji I'm very happy to know that u still thought abt us. Kasturi; u know I saw Suraj first o was angry he carried Chakor infront of the whole neighbourhood. But then we had a real meet n greet n I was very happy. Then after the party they were trying to do something n was really angry. He could me n said I'm sorry won't do it infront of u... n said further Suraj the nerd promise I knew I heard it before. Bhagya; yes he lost his memory n since we r here he is gaining it back especially bcz of Chakor she is a key memory.

Arjun n Bhuvaan were sitting seperatly from the women they didn't hear what they said but it was important as a sports game was showing on tv...


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