Sukor - Heart connection

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Hi I had the story in my mind n I had to write it down 😁 I hope u will like it bcz I tried to stop but it spring out n please forgive it's long.

Recap: Finally Sukor r friends now but Tina the new n old villain played a bad game with Suraj.

The teacher was behind Suraj n Chakor Mr. Khanna what do u mean with more bad will happen r u threatening another student? Suraj No, Sir it's not like u think please let me explain but the teacher cut him off I have to send u to the principal u may leave now. But Suraj wasn't ready to leave No, Sir I won't I haven't done anything wrong. The teacher r u argueing with me in an angry n authority tone he said don't make it worse leave now!. Suraj but.. Chakor hold him back n shook her head go she formed with her lips. Suraj left the classroom with a note from the teacher for the principal.

Suraj knew the way to the principal's office he went there but the Secretary stopped him there was some1 inside n he has to wait. Suraj - that bi*ch Tina she planned this very well n I fall in her trap I even apologies to her 😡😡 -. The door to principal's office opened n Vivaan came out the principal said to Vivaan u have a bright future ur marks r outstanding always on top but be careful there is some1 who might be dangerous for u. Vivaan got confused since he joined the university no1 was gud enough to cone close to his marks Sir may I ask u who the person is? The principal saw Suraj in that moment sure here he is but I wonder y he came. Suraj was hurted he doesn't wanted to be send to the principal but what could he do. Vivaan was now more surprised - He can't be better than me -. Ok Sir I have to attend my class c u next week. They shook the hands n Vivaan left the office.

The principal was disappointed u discussed with the teacher who ordered u to leave y? Suraj wanted to explain but the Richands r rich n give alot on donations for the uni. n he was here on scholarship he said it was my mistake I did wrong  lose the control over my anger. U can give me any punishment I will take it. The principal saw the anger n pain in his eyes do u know I won't punish u. Suraj was surprised n looked at him with big eyes but y? he asked. The principal I just said to Vivaan Rajvanshi he underline the Surname that u can beat his marks n I want u to do that. Suraj was lost in the name Rajvanshi - could he be.. No Di would have told me - Suraj r u listening. Suraj got red sorry Sir what did u just say. I said u have to break his marks be the top u just have a few weeks left   the exams will start from next week  can u do it? Suraj was confident enough yes Sir I can do it. The principal was very happy gud best of luck here take this noe n don't fight anymore. Suraj smiled n nodded no fights.

Suraj was back in the class he gave the note to the teacher go take ur seat. Suraj I'm sorry Sir. It won't happen again. The teacher hmm apology accepted go take ur seat. Suraj was back sitting next to Chakor who was very surprised she wrote him a note.

Note Convo C for Chakor  / S for Suraj
C: what happen u r back
S: Nothing all is gud
C: n ur punishment
S: I didn't got
C: 😲
S: 😁
C: lucky
S: After yesterday
C: 🤔what happened yesterday?
S: u don't know?
C: no
S: 😦
C: tell me
S: but if u don't know than there is no need to tell u
C:😯 sorry 🙉 {i couldn't do d a better one}
S: okay fine...

Chakor the teacher shout her name do u would like to share with the rest of the class. Chakor was red n hiding her face behind a book. The teacher was next to her now. Mr. Khanna would u like to share? Suraj yeah sure. He give him the letter.
The teacher "u didn't missed much of the stuff it's just the beginning" Oh if u have any question than ask me after the class ok? Suraj nodded n Chakor was still embarrassed.

Chakor - how He did this how the teacher got another note? - Suraj gave the real note back n has written just one thing well he didn't written it he paint it ❤. Chakor was red really red. - is he talking abt me? -. He didn't expect a return note as he know she is different but she is the right one he knows it from the deep of his heart. The class was over n Suraj left first he had a football match.

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