Sukor - Heart Connection (Pre-Last)

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Hi Thank u soooo much for liking this story. Ur support n encouragement made it happen that this story reached many more chapters than expected. Originally I planned a story for abt 15 Chapters now we reached 23 😊. (actually more but one was double coz of the match n 1 was a request).

Recap; a few leaps happen. Ranjana n Manohar gor arrested n sen0tenced to 15 years + plus 1 year for each crime they did. Bhagya n Arjun r parents of a boy named Chand / Moon. Vivaan has talked to Bhagya, Chakor n Suraj he was never bad just misunderstood the situation n was misunderstood by the others. Imli n Vivaan got married. Ajay n Tina r a couple now. Adi is ready to mingle but is still single n Payal has left for a fashion show.

Bhagya; This Suraj na he is has waited for so long n now they r rushing it. Arjun; Uffo Bhagya it's ok. He had to settle the work first n now after a year he got a promotion from Assisten Manager he is now the head manager. Bhagya; I know but today is the Mehndi, roka n mangni (Henna n engagement more traditional rituals). Arjun; it's gud all is today ur son uff he is much more difficult than Suraj was. Bhagya; u spoiled him! Arjun 😲.

Kasturi; Today it's all abt my daughter. Bhuvaan; Haan finally they r getting married. Kasturi; he let us wait alot. Bhuvaan; it was kinda gud. Kasturi; what Y?. Bhuvaan; we had more time to spend with her. After the marriage she will forget us. ... No never Chakor comes running to them. Chakor; no how can I forget u have u gone mad. There is no other Kasturi who loves to hit n scold me or teach me now g a better person. There is no Bhuvaan who loves n spoils me with chocolate toys n cloths. If I got angry with Suraj I need a place to hide n of course I will come to meet u both whenever I want to no1 in this world cam stop me meeting my parents. Bhuvaan; we will miss u so much. Kasturi; Haan how dare u to call us with our names. Chakor was running away n Kasturi was right behind her. Chakor got tired she fall on the couch n Kasturi next to her first both started laughing then the crying start. Kasturi; don't u dare not to call me. Chakor; I will always call n message u. Both hugged n sitted there silently.

Suraj n Adi were up in Suraj room. Adi; how could u live in this house alone If I would be u I had married Chakor a months ago no a year ago. Suraj; what do u mean? Adi; oh bro please don't misunderstand me. My saying was y the wait? Suraj; I love her alot n i want to spend asap time with her with enough security for our future.... Some1 knocked at the door. Suraj; yes. Vivaan n Ajay came in after getting married to Imli he n Ajay become gud friends n now they r BIL (Tina is pregnant so the rushed wedding). Vivaan; wow Suraj looking gud but u r no match to Chakor. Ajay; that's true a phool / flower n he the fool. Suraj; hehe. Ajay n Vivaan; how could u let her wait. Adi; well we need to think y she waited. Suraj; bcz she loves n understands me. What kind of friends r u. today it's only abt her me.

Chakor n her parents arrived. Kasturi; just one more night n u will live here forever. Chakor nodded. Chand just learnt to run he is rushing from one corner to the other. Arjun was right behind him. Just in case something could happen. Chakor; Chand. Suraj hears her voice - she is here -. He smiled. Ajay; oh look at the groom. I hope she will make u wait now. Suraj shook his head no.  Haha they started laughing at him.

Payal was back of course. She went directly to Chakor. Payal; Chakoooor. Chakor turned Payal both hugged. I thought u won't made. Payal; whaaaaaat it's my best friend wedding n I won't show up oh please. Afterall u have to wear this for ur engagement (The dress of the camping in the serial when tgey got married I loved that dress on her solo much). Chakor; wow this is so pretty. Thank u so much 😙. Payal; if u have a friend who is a talented designer u can only get benefits of it. Chakor; Haan 😊.

Suraj; ok I'm done let's go she must be waiting. the boys came down. Bhagya; Suraj. Chand somehow get off of Bhagyas embrace n run to Suraj. Suraj lift him up. Oh mera Chand ka tukra/ oh my moonpie. Chand 😄. Suraj; ok I'm ready where is she. Arjun; u let her wait a year can't she let u wait for a few minutes. Suraj; What!!. Chand 🙎‍♂️. Suraj made a sad face. Payal where is ur Mehndi? Chakor; first the roka, then the engagement (u know we r engaged) but just to make all rituals. Payal; oh.

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