Sukor - Heart Connection

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Hi here is the next update thank u all for liking the story sometimes it feels difficult to write further coz u never know if u satisfy some1. But never stop it's the best always keep running lol.

Recap: Chakor knows abt Suraj past which included Vivaan who is the cousin of Suraj. No1 knows it only Chakor knows all.

Suraj walks home with a big smile - Chakor I knew it we r connected n tonight u proved it. U see me when u close ur eyes n u want to see when u r awake - He was alone the moon was shining bright he looked to the moon n saw Chakors face n shouted loud CHAKOR I LOVE U he go through his hair with his hand n was smiling madly.

Chakor was still sitting on the windowsill n was looking to the moon too. For her it was Suraj face everywhere n she thought - yeh kiya chandu ji per hi Suraj nazar atta hai yeh to raat ko hi aatein hain aur Suraj subha ko / how is this possible I can see the Sun(Suraj) in the moonshine but the Moon comes at night n my Suraj in the morning hmm I love u Suraj 😚-

Suraj reached home but Bhagya n Arjun were awake n waiting for him. Suraj; Di Jiju y r u awake? Arjun; Suraj please I want to explain u all. Suraj; Jiju I'm not angry I wasn't I just wanted to know the true. I'm sorry for my behaviour but I needed to know. Bhagya; But Suraj don't do anything wrong I know u very well. Suraj; Di don't worry whatever I will do won't harm us. No, it will be gud for us. Arjun; what r u trying to say? Suraj; I won't act bad I will just beat some1 in college with my end result. Bhagya: Matlab/what does it mean? Suraj; Vivaan, I told u he is at the same college n right now he has the best marks but the principal n I have a deal I need to beat him in his game I will archive better marks than him n will make him fall. N this is not evil or bad it could happen with any1 right. Arjun; U want to beat him by getting better marks than him, did i get it right? Suraj nodded. Bhagya; what will u gain without to have a great result n diploma which would make me very happy let's have some ice cream. Arjun & Suraj - were confused who the ice topic came?- Arjun; ok let's talk while eating an Ice Cream. Bhagya Haan 😄. Suraj; I wonder what this pregnancy has more for us. Arjun; u don't wake up in the middle of the night to fullfill the wish of the becoming mom. Suraj; jaisi karni, waisi bharni/ u have to pay for ur deeds Arjun; 😶u grow up. Suraj 😎.

Chakor was trying to sleep but her thoughts were still on Suraj words - I will take revenge -. This Suraj his way of taking revenge I hope he didn't lie to me n will keep his word n won't do anything wrong. Tomorrow is Friday n on Monday our first exam will start I just hope everything goes well. She fell asleep having the most beautiful dream after such a long time.

Chakor's Dream
Suraj was waiting for her. She runs to him n he took her in his arms n hugged her tightly. Suraj; said Chakor I love u. U r mine n will always be her he showed to his chest where his heart lives. This is ur place without u I'm death no1 can live without his heart Chakor never leave me. Promise me to stay with me even on bad times. Chakor; nodded Suraj I won't leave u not yet n never in the future I will be always on ur side on gud or bad times my support n love will be with u. I love u 2. They hugged n spinned around.💝💖💘💓💕💞

Chakor woke up by falling from the bed holding a pillow as Suraj she landed soft but still she hurt her knee. Ouch she screamed 😢. She was getting ready still having the pain on knee she thought - Suraj fav. colour is black hmm Do i have something in black? Uff. - She got ready n come down n her mom was more surprised than ever. Kasturi; Chakor what happen to u? Chakor; Misunderstood maa I fall from the bed 😣 n hurt my knee. Kasturi; chup/ shut up! Chakor 😕😨. I'm talking abt ur clothes y r u wearing a Shalwaar Khameez u don't like to wear it. As it's old fashioned. Chakor 😶 looked down she doesn't wanted to lie but she couldn't tell her abt Suraj n her relationship. We have a theme today at the Uni. which says respect our culture so I'm wearing a Shalwaar Khameez. Kasturi; oh ok. Sit have some food. N next time u lie try better at least it should sound like reality. Chakor 😣. Kasturi; whoever that boy is I want to meet him n don't worry it will stay between u n me. No need to tell ur papa. Chakor; 😶😊 thank u.

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