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Sally kissed me. I can't believe she actually kissed me ! I still feel like my body is flying high above the rainbow with those unicorns in the sky.well,Any guy like me would feel the way I felt if a girl not any other girl but Sally the hottest girl in the campus and the most popular, who every guy wants to date comes to you and kisses you when you weren't the one who approached first.

15 mins ago
The music is still loud and the people are shouting at top of their voice I don't know where she is..Tonights house party sucks I mean come on there aren't any pop punk track. I mean seriously? How can one organize a party without punk music...As I stand here in balcony of Daniel's house where I believe I would not bump into any drunk teenager who doesn't by now know their real name as well. Well Today is Daniel's birthday and we've been invited. Not that I don't drink I do but party in a house full of people who is drunken high and is ready to jump on top of each other
isn't my thing. And also once again there isn't any pop punk track. I didn't drink today. Well,Jerry is here as well and since she doesn't drink I didn't feel good to leave her alone in this house full of zombies. Aaron couldn't come today he's been out for few days probably 'cause he's visiting his aunt in Texas which he doesn't like but he ain't got any choice he's mom wanted him to come along and if he hadn't went then he would probably lose the electric guitar his dad promised him to gift this coming month. I asked Jerry I mean Jenny to be here I don't know where she is now. I've been waiting for like 8 mins maybe it isn't much time but I hate waiting and she hates it too so where is she...As I was waiting for her I heard foot steps "where were you Jerry?" I tried to sound as if I've been waiting for a month but to my surprise it wasn't her.."sally?" I questioned. "Hey there." She smiled. "I saw you coming up here so..Are you alone right now ?" She asked.
"I ..I .." I muttered under my breath speechless as to how pretty and hot she looked. Tall, green eyes with a face of perfection every curves and skin at the right place and blond hair that touched her shoulder and the wind blowing it around her face. I stood there in silence as she walked closer toward me her rosy pink lips formed into a perfect curve when she smiled."I think I like you Thomas since the day I first saw you, you were different then the rest you never asked me out like others did. You're handsome and smart as well I know you like me too since its the beginning of our senior years in high school let's start together as one."she said and her soft lips touched mine it wasn't my first kiss though well I had once accidentally kissed Casey out of my anger to show Jerry that I can kiss a girl but that was long back when we were still kids I can say. But now kissing Sally it was different I mean I don't know it feels different. Slowly her lips left mine and she winked at me "see ya around handsome.." Then she started walking away.
My phone vibrated and there was a message from jerry 'am on my way home.you can go enjoy the party . and wow handsome XD seems like your first I mean oops second I guess after Casey kiss was good.:) Enjoy XX"
I grinned a little but certain fear filled me and I texted her..
"Where are you? How can you go out alone ? You didn't even bring your car! Are you out of your mind? Do you know what time is it? There are bunch of junkies out there in the street everywhere.Wait there I'll come. XX"
After the text I rushed out through the crowd of people whose body has lost its bone and then Sally caught me when I was almost at the exit "where are you going handsome?" She questioned but I didn't had time to answer her I left the hand she was holding me with and without even looking at her I said "I'll see you tomorrow I gotta go good night ." after that I rushed outside and my phone vibrated again with another text from Jenny 'You don't have to come I'm almost there. Stay there and enjoy and m strong enough to fight junkies XX"
Stupid girl I told to myself exasperated .
And started running in the street like a maniac after a tire some run where I stopped to catch my breath I saw her walking alone I walked fast to catch up with her and after a moment I was next to her she looked at me and rolled her eyes and I gave her my sheepish smile she threw her handkerchief at my face probably 'cause I was sweating by running for quite a while and we didn't speak it was perfect silence and we were walking home but even the silence felt comforting around her. Some words were unspoken as we reached her house and she waved a good bye to me with her smile. I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled "goodnight Jerry ..sleep well I'll see you tomorrow "
She walked inside her room and closed the door but somehow I didn't wanted to leave her..

Hope you enjoying the story.Don't forget to suggest if you have anything in mind and do comment and vote if you liked it.

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