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If you find any words mistyped or any other errors forgive me and feel free to suggest your thoughts..Hope you enjoy the story. Thanks for reading.

"'ll never hit me Thomas." Aaron shouted from the other side, what he thinks of himself that idiot I've been playing too many games to miss any shot , I smirked. I gathered handful of snow and made it into a big ball so big that even I couldn't hold it properly. Even though Aaron was hiding I could see his blue beanie knowing exactly where to hit. Get ready for this boy, I grinned and with my full power that I thought I had threw the snow ball at Aaron but my bad it didn't hit him but someone else and I knew at that moment the best thing to do was hide and pretend as if nothing happened. But before I could work on my master plan she caught me and stared at me cleaning her face and her dress. "Damn ! dare you? " she kept giving me that look as if she was going to dig the ground that very moment and bury my body. Aaron jumped out of his so called hiding place and laughed at me "told you dude, you wouldn't be able to hit me"
Only if she wouldn't have come in between you'd have known, I told to myself giving Aaron a deadly look.
Aaron stopped laughing and then she spoke "will you please stop fooling around you stupid Tom?" She complained, I grinned even though I didn't mean to hit her but I always enjoyed fooling around her and teasing her. "Of course not Jerry. How can I stop fooling around with you?" I told with a smirk.
"Its Jenny ! " she rolled her eyes. But I could see a little smile in her face that she was really not good in hiding (tho she thinks nobody sees that smile, which of course I do)
"Anyways I'm sorry " I smiled at her with a sincere apology since the ball was quite big and heavy and I threw it at her oh wait.. not at her at Aaron with my full power that it must have hit her hard.
"No..not forgiving you this time! Do you even know you threw that freaking heavy snowball at my face?and now I have to change my dress." She said. I stood there not knowing what to say other than sorry.
"What do you want me to do to amend my mistake?" Finally I said.
Jenny smiled.
Aaron whispered from behind "you're so dead now bro" Jenny looked at him and he spoke I mean shouted at top of his voice "exactly need to amend your mistake how can you do that to you gotta do whatever she wishes for."
At that moment I wished I could punch him hard on his face but I controlled my emotion or rather reaction. Jenny looked at me but this time the look on her face was different not anger but something else and she spoke "Tom I'll forgive you if you promise to take me to watch Aurora someday with you."
Aaron looked at me with the "told you so" face..
I looked at Jen puzzled for a while and finally muttered something "but jerry we cannot see aurora here" she smiled a little and said "who told we'll watch it here,you'll take me out,haha....will you not now?" After saying that she started walking away slowly and I stood there in silence grinning a little and confused a bit Then she disappeared among the trees and the white snow..

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