Rock bottom

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Jerry climbed down the stairs and I woke up. It was around 6 am. She saw me and with a surprised look she questioned"what are you doing here on the couch? Weren't you suppose to be with Megan inside the guest room? I'm making coffee do you want one?"
I got up quickly and went near her "Jerry,please I know you are angry. Stop it. Just say it . don't act like this. Please."I said helplessly trying to hold her hand.
She tried to pull away and spoke" I don't know what you are saying Thomas. I'm done making coffee for me but it seems like you don't want one so I'll go upstairs I have works that needs to be done."
As she was walking away I had no idea what else to do so I shouted "So you want to act like a stranger? Fine! Have your way. I'm done trying to explain you."
I threw one of the glass on the floor and sank on the floor, completely messed up.

How long should I hold on how long should I drag how long...I questioned myself.

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