Yes,I do.

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I took a deep breath. Was I shaking? I suppose I was. I was quite nervous actually very nervous. Those many years spend with Jerry yes we had our ups and downs we had memories both sweet and bitter but now here we were. It was time of spring. The altar was decorated with white flowers and ribbons almost everywhere. People were exchanging greetings to each other." Man! I feel honoured by you for the first time to stand as your best man."Aaron whispered to me.
"Well no one can be my best man except you." I smiled. "Dayum! don't make me cry." Aaron laughed.
I felt thirsty. I felt hot and cold at the same time. But as soon as I saw her walking down the aisle my whole body relaxed I felt light she looked like a princess. I can't even describe how wonderful she looked. Her white gown sweeping off on the red carpet. The white rose she held in her hand. The bracelet with two butterflies that she wore in the hand where she held the bouquet . Her eyes shining ever brighter and her beautiful smile that she wore. She had a little tiara on her head and her neck held the same locket that she wore on the night we were suppose to go to prom that I had gifted her and I was left mesmerized again. I couldn't believe my eyes. How can I be so blessed to have her.There she was walking towards me flawless princess with a beauty undescribable. As she reached near I held my hands towards her she smiled and gave hers to mine. We stood there facing each other. My heart beat faster than ever. She was going to be mine. Forever. I was going to spend my life with her. God! I love her. We took the vow and Then exchanged the ring "now you may kiss the bride" I smiled. I had never kissed Jerry on lips before though I kissed her on cheeks and forehead but not lips because I had saved it for this moment. I slowly pulled her towards me Then I softly brushed my lips against her. It felt like the time has stopped. This moment was everything to me. Then I heard people clapping and shouting I left her lips even though I did not wanted to. I intertwined my fingers with hers as we started walking outside the altar. "Ready for a new life Mrs.Thomas?" I grinned. She blushed a little "Of course Mr.Thomas" she laughed slightly. Outside there was a huge cake that we were suppose to cut. It looked pretty awesome. We went there people clapped as Jerry and I cut the cake. She took a bite from the piece of cake I gave her and then I took another bite from the same piece. Then music started. People came to click pictures some came to congratulate we had many of our high schools friends too.
I saw Daniel,Charles,Rose and even Sally showed up. "Hi handsome" Sally winked at me with the same smile she had before,Jerry wrapped her hands around my arms and I grinned. Jerry spoke "Nice to see you Sally hope you're enjoying." Sally gave a small fake laugh. "I'm sure she's enjoying ." I smiled and kissed Jerry's hand. Aaron came towards us "What's up?" He smirked at Sally."Just came to congratulate the new married couple " she said ."would like to drink?" Aaron smirked again. "Sure would love to."Sally sounded playful. Aaron walked away with Sally and turned back towards us and winked. I showed him a thumps up and he turned and walked again. I intertwined my fingers with Jerry's and kissed once more. It was indeed a lovely day.
I had a wedding gift for Jerry.I was hoping she might like it.

Guys I hope you are enjoying. Keep supporting.
Have fun. #thank you for reading. :)
Next chapter is coming really soon.
Thankyou for being patient.

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