Yours' Jenny

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I sat on my study table staring at Jenny's diary. Was it wrong of me if I read her diary? But aren't we best friend? And there wouldn't be anything like secret that I shouldn't know. I know everything about her like everything. I've known her for very long time so basically the conclusion is am reading her diary and its not a bad thing.  I opened the pages in excitement.

Date : 22/03/2004
Dear Tom,
              It hasn't been long since we know each other maybe a Month or two but I already feel so close to you. When I saw you for the first time when I arrived here in Illinois I had no idea that you would be so special to me. Thank you for helping me to adjust in school today.

                Yours Jenny.

Date :16/06/2005
Dear Tom,
        I can't believe you just wore the beanie I had gifted you looked cute in it.

                   Yours Jenny.

Date :05/07/2006
Dear Tom,
          You told lily that you cannot be her best friend 'cause you're my best friend. I just want to give you a big hug.

          Yours jenny.

I couldn't stop flipping the pages all of it filled with the memory long forgotten.

Date : 08/06/2007
   Dear Tom,
             You kissed Casey today :'( in front of me. I told you you cannot kiss a girl 'cause I wanted you to kiss me and not're bad but I love you anyway.
                Yours jenny.

With each pages I was left speechless..

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