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He hyperventilated as he woke up to the reality after going through his past and he struggled to breath when he realized he was still in the hospital. Where was she?how was she? Was she alright? So many questions filled his mind that it his head started aching more than that his heart was aching. As soon as the doctor saw him he ran towards him and started checking him "Mr.Thomas please lie down."
"Where's Jerry? How is she ? I have to meet her. Let me go!"He struggled.
"Mr.Thomas, please. Calm down. You need to rest."
"Tell me she's fine then I'll do whatever you say"he demanded firmly.
The doctor had no answer to give even though when he had he didn't know how to phrase it in fear that maybe this answer would be too harsh on someone who got up from coma after nearly 7 months.
"I'll be back."The doctor said as he left outside along with his nurse.
After a while the door opened Aaron walked inside along with Katy and Thomas's mom and dad.
"Where is Jenny ? Mom , dad and guys? I hope she's alright. It feels like we've been here for a very long time." He said trying to sound calm.
His mom started crying it felt like she was holding back the tear both of pain for losing her daughter in law and joy of getting her son back.
Aaron made his way towards him "You've been in coma for 7 months" he started
"No way bro!! That's quite a very long time, I think Jerry is better than me now probably worried for me. Its a bummer she's not the first person I saw when I got up."He said even though he had fear he wasn't prepared for what was coming.
"7 months indeed is a long time..when you and Jenny met with the accident the night you were brought to this hospital Jenny couldn't make it. Due to her pregnancy issue she already had less blood and during the accident she lost much blood by the time she arrived in the hospital she was at the last stage. The doctor tried their best but I'm sorry man .."Aaron was trying hard not break down knowing everyone was crying.
For a moment his world stop.He could hear his own heart beat. He regretted waking up. He wished this was a dream. He had no idea how to react. He didn't wanted to believe what his friend just said.

*2 days later*
He stood near her grave. It was mid summer.The sky was clear. He fell on his knees he wasn't even able to attend her funeral. He kept the roses he bought for her above the stone. The birds were chirping and butterflies flew around the rose he had bought for her.
"Why did you leave me Jerry? Isn't Tom incomplete without Jerry? I wanted to make us what we planned when we fell in love. I wanted to grow old with you. I wanted to make things better. I wanted to start over. I wanted to tell you how much I love you and I wanted to kiss you and wrap you around my arms and tell you I'm not letting you go so easily. I wanted us to be how we were before. Isn't it unfair that you left without me? You never do that. Why now? Why? Why Jerry? "  He started breaking down. His voice was cracking.
"Who will listen to my songs now, who will fight with me for no reason who will make the perfect coffee in this world for me after the fight, who will tell me everything will be alright when things gets crappy, who will tell me I love you more than you do."

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