Chapter 16

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I got everyone inside and situated, Landon playing with cars and the twins in the kitchen with us. "What's going on?" Carol asked. "I wanted to talk about the wedding." I said. "Alright what's going on?" Carol asked. "I need some help planning it, could you help me write a list for everything we will need?" I asked. "Of course, shouldn't Erik be here too?" She asked. "I'll ask him about his opinion on everything." I told her. "Alright." Carol said and made me a list. "So what do you need from me for?" Lindsay asked. "Will you walk the twins down the isle and actually throw the flowers?" I asked her. "Of course I will." She replied. "Thank you." I said. "Who's walking you down?" Carol asked. "Landon and Joe." I replied.

"Awe that's going to be cute." Lindsay said. "And then we have all three of them on the alter with us, well ill be convincing Erik that's what we need to do." I said. "That would be nice have your whole little family with you." Carol said. "I still kind of wish I were married before I had kids but I wouldn't trade Landon Teanna or Rosealind for the world." I said. "Mommy." Landon said pulling on my pants. "Yes baby?" I asked putting him on my lap. "I'm hungy." He said. "Tell grama Jones." I said turning him to face Carol. "Im hungy." Landon told her. "What do you want?" She asked picking him up and bringing him to the cabinets. "Come look at the babies's little outfits." I said pulling Lindsey to look at the twins.

"Can I hold one or should they be sleeping?" She asked. "You can pick one of them up, but I really should be sleeping while they are." I said. "Go to sleep my mom and I will take care of them, or I will." She replied. "Carol can I go get some sleep?" I asked. "Sure Lindsey and I will take care of everyone, where is Erik?" She asked. "With friends I told him to go since he isn't here very often." I told her. "You really are the best." She said before I went to Erik's room to nap.

*Erik's P.O.V.*

I got home from hanging out with friends and noticed that my mom and sister were with the twins and Landon but Zoey wasn't around. "Hey mom where's Zo?" I asked. "Sleeping, she needs to be sleeping while the twins are, I know they aren't sleeping but we won't get to see you guys very often." She told me. "You're the best mom." I said hugging her. "You're the best too Lindsey." I replied hugging my sister then going to my room. "Hey Zo." I said sitting on the bed. "Does Teanna or Rosealind need me?" She asked. "No, I just wanted to say I'm back." I told her. "Ok Erik." She replied sitting up and taking my hand before tuggging my hand to sit beside her. "How was hanging with friends?" She asked. "Good, thank you for taking care of me." I told her kissing her forehead.

"You aren't here enough especially now with newborns." She said. "Yeah true, I won't be here, with three babies and a full time cup ride." He replied. "Let's go get our babies." I said before we went to the living room. That Thursday we woke up early got ready then got the twins ready and then finally got Landon up and ready. We went to the track and found my garage when we finally got there and saw my crew standing around.

"Hey guys we want you to meet some people." I called walking up to them with Rosealind. "This little one is Rosealind and Zo has Teanna." I told them showing them the baby carrier I was holding. "Zoey had the twins, when?" Chris asked. "Here sit them down on the stools." He then said pulling out a couple of stools. "She had them when we got here on Tuesday." I said. "Like right when you got here?" Chris asked as everyone came to look at the twins. "Yeah like right when we got here." I replied. "They both look so much like Zoey." Chris said looking at them again.

*Zoey's P.O.V.*

I got the stroller after a while from the van and decided to walk around the garage area. "Zoey with a stroller again?" Dale Jr said walking towards me. "Yeah." I replied turning towards him. "You had the twins?" He questioned. "Yeah I had the twins." I replied. "They look so much like you." He said looking at both of them. "Who is who?" He asked. "The baby in the pink is Teanna Carol Jones she was 5.5 pounds and 19 and a half inches when she was born, and the baby in purple is Rosealind Andrea Jones she was 5.3 pounds and 13 inches when she was born." I told him. "They are adorable." He said. "We are just out for a walk going to see the Xfinity drivers and my friends." I said.

"Has your family seen the girls yet?" He asked. "No, they will have to see them when we get back." I said. "Yeah, go talk to the other drivers show off Teanna and Rosealind." He said before walking back to his garage. "Hey Chase." I said walking into his garage as best I could. "Hey Zoey have th," he said before he saw the stroller. "The babies." He then said rushing over to see them. "Where's Blaney's garage?" I asked. "Hold on." He said before texting most likely Ryan and I was right when Ryan walked in and saw me and the twins. "The twins?" He asked. "Yeah, right when we got to Byron my water broke." I said. "Wow, these two know their timing." Ryan said. "Teanna and Rosealind." I told them.

"Did you give them grandparents names as middle names?" Chase asked. "Carol and Andrea, I know Andrea isnt really their grandma but she's a big part of all of our lifes." I said. "Who is who?" Ryan then asked. "The baby in the pink is Teanna Carol Jones and the baby in purple is Rosealind Andrea Jones." I told them. "They are so cute." Ryan said. "Just like you Zoe." Chase added. "Everyone says they look just like me." I said. "It's true and they are so beautiful, Erik's lucky." Ryan said. "We will see you guys around." I said before they said bye and I left with the stroller. "BJones guess who wants to come say hi." I said walking into his garage area. "You." He said turning around.

"The twins?" He asked looking at the two carriers. "This happened right when we got to Byron, my water broke and about twelve hours later Teanna in the pink and Rosealind in the purple came." I told him. "Awe they knew they were in daddy's town." He said looking at the sleeping babies. "Did Landon look like Erik?" He asked. "Yeah a lot, do you think they look like me?" I asked. "Yeah, they really look like you." He replied. "They are the most beautiful babies I've seen after Landon." I said. "And they even have their own headphones." He said. "Pink and yellow for Teanna and purple and red for Rosealind." I told him. "Who else are you going to go see?" He asked. "I think we are just going to walk around." I said and that's what I did before we went back to Erik's garage.

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