Chapter 3

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Russ' pov

The fact that Cry went rigid means he'd seen this guy before or something. "Do you know him?" I asked after a moment. "I saw him looking at that abandoned house like a week ago. I completely forgot about it until now," Cry replied quietly. 'Maybe that means he's still there? I don't think I've seen him there before though. Why that house? I guess to hide from this Ohm guy.' "Are you going to go to the house and look?" I asked when the sound of movement brought me out of my thoughts. "It's the only way to find out if he's there or not," Cry said as he got his shoes and jacket. I watched him walk over to the door and turn around to glance at me. "Are you coming?" He asked as he opened the front door. I sighed and grabbed my shoes and rushed out the door after him.

"This is a stupid idea you know. We could get hurt going to that house. It's been abandoned for so many years," I just about yelled as we got into my car. We drove down to the house in silence. After about 20 minutes we arrived and it was going to start getting dark out soon. As we got out of the car and walked up to the front door, we noticed something wrong. The front door was open slightly. I really didn't want to go in the house but Cry began to go inside, pushing the door open slowly. I cursed to myself and followed. No way in hell am I allowing him to go in there alone.

The building was dusty though that's not surprising. The floors creaked with almost every step and it was almost pitch black inside. The light coming from outside was blocked out by the old curtains on the windows. Luckily, I had a lighter with me so I pulled it out and lit it. It wasn't much but it was something. I followed Cry to the stairs that lead to the basement of the house. "There is no way in hell I'm going down there and neither are you," I whispered harshly to Cry. "How about upstairs then?" He asked back. "That's better," I said and went to find the stairs. Cry followed behind me as we went up the stairs. I had no idea what we would find up here.

Once we made it to the top and looked around we saw a few doors down a hallway. Then we heard it, a growl and bang coming from the farthest door down the hallway. Cry and I were frozen to the spot looking at the door. It suddenly flung open and a wolf ran out at us with teeth bared and claws out. Cry instantly ran down the stairs with me at his heels. We made it out the door and closed it just as the wolf bashed into it. We held it shut for a minute and caught our breath. Everything went silent after that. Cry, being the idiot he is, slowly opened the door and looked inside. He held his hand out and asked for the lighter so I handed it to him.

He walked back into the hell house and instantly went for the stairs. Against my better judgement, I went after him. When we made it back to the top of the stairs, Cry went for the door that the wolf came from. "We didn't come here for nothing." Said Cry. I almost punched him but didn't since I needed to be calm."Well we certainly didn't come here for our death now did we." I said bitterly.Cry seemed to have ignored my comment and slowly opened the door the rest of the way. How it got reclosed to the way it was before is beyond me. What we saw was terrifying to the say least. "Why hello there." Came a voice.

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