Chapter 6

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Cry's pov

I was laying on my bed, minding my own business while my family was out. I was an only child at the age of 18 at the time and my parents wanted nothing to do with me. That's why I'm here at the house alone and my parents are out doing whatever they do. I was playing my game that I got from my aunt, before she passed away, when my dad suddenly came into my room. I think he was drunk since I could smell it coming from him. My mother was behind him, standing in the doorway with an angry look in her eyes. When my dad tried to grab my arm, but he screamed in pain and my mother ran over to him. She looked daggers at me and took my father out. I was freaked the entire time, scared out of my mind.

My mom came back shortly after, wearing gloves, and dragged me out of my room. She took me to the kitchen and threw me on the ground. I looked up in horror as she walked around me and grabbed something off the counter. "You should have never been born! You were a mistake, a monster!" She screamed at me. I saw the knife in her hand as she cut me across the face, right over my left eye. I closed my eye before she cut the eye itself, just the lid. I screamed in pain as blood ran down my face and tried to run away, but she held me down with her other arm. I reached my hand out and touched her face, making her scream in pain like my father did. She pulled back, grabbing her face in pain, and falling to the floor. I made a break for the front door and ran as far away from the house as possible.

I ran to my friend Russ' house and banged on the door. His mother opened the door and gasped in horror at the sight of me. She quickly ushered me into the house and cleaned my face. Afterwards she called the cops and they arrived at my house to get my parents. I saw them being pulled from the house and saw what I had done to them. My mom had a red hand print on her face and it looked like it had small boils on it. My dad had a red, swollen hand from when he grabbed my arm. My mother saw me and went crazy, she screamed at me that I was the devil's son and that I was a mistake. I started to cry and found myself in the arms of Russ.
End of dream

I woke up with a start and sat up in my bed. I was breathing heavily and felt tears prick at my eyes. I rubbed them away and looked at my clock on the nightstand next to me. '11:00 already?' I thought to myself. 'I should at least eat something and try to forget that dream.' I got out of bed and walked to my kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal. After getting the cereal I went to the table in my living room and ate in silence. I decided to just hang around the house and wait until it was time to meet with the guys. When it was almost 6 pm, Scott was at the door. Next was Russ and we all hopped into his car and headed over. We arrived and went straight inside and up the stairs to the door that Snake resided in.

Snake was sitting on the bed like last time and looked over to us as we entered. "Who is that with you?" Snake asked as we all walked into the room. "This is Scott,my other friend. He's here to find out more with the rest of us," I said as Scott waved a bit. Well hello Scott, I'm Snake. Though I'm sure they've told you about me," "Yes, they have and it was a very interesting story to say the least," Scott said with a slight chuckle. "Well I think it's time to talk,"Snake said as he jumped off the bed. "It's not the best idea to do it here though. Let's go back to the lake," He said, walking out the door. We followed him there and sat down in a circle beside the lake. "So how to start this,"Snake muttered to himself. "I guess just start with what you know about Felix,"I told him. "Ok, well that isn't a lot. I know he's from Sweden and moved hereabout a week ago. He didn't tell me what happened exactly, just that his family was killed in a bombing. Didn't say who did it and that he was being chased by someone named Ohm for some reason. He didn't tell me why Ohm was chasing him,just that if he ever met him to not trust him. He also told me he doesn't like to be touched but didn't say why. That's about all I really know about him.Oh, and I believe he's 23 years old," Snake finished telling us. "He didn't say why he doesn't like to be touched?" I asked curiously. "No, why do you ask?" "Cause I'm the same way. I don't like being touched by other people," I said softly. "And why would that be?" We all turned to see who spoke and saw Felix leaning against a tree with a very unamused look on his face.    

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