Chapter 10

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Felix's pov

After Cry and Snake came back from their talk, they sat down with me in the living room for the rest of the day. We finally ate some food around three and talked a bit about why I was at the abandoned house. I didn't go into detail, only that I found it to be abandoned and thought it would be safe there. I didn't explain how I found it or why I was running, much to Cry's dismay. I can't tell them what happened no matter what. If they found out, it would only put them in danger. I haven't known Cry long, but I really like his company. Being around people is not really an option for me anymore. The fact that he is doing all of this for me is surprising. When it became nighttime and everyone went to bed, I couldn't fall asleep. I decided to go see if Cry was awake and headed towards his room.

I knocked softly and waited to hear a response. When I heard a soft 'Come in', I softly opened the door to see Cry sitting on his bed, leaned against the wall. His room was very clean and didn't have much in it. The room had a window with dark blue curtains, a bed, a closet, a nightstand with a clock and lamp, and a dresser. It wasn't super big, but not too small. Cry still had his mask on. 'Why does he always wear that?' "Is something wrong, Felix?" Cry asked, his voice groggy from sleep I assume. His voice sounded really soothing and I wanted to hear it again. 'Wait Felix, don't go down that road again.' I realized that I didn't respond to his question when he asked me again. "Oh, sorry I got lost in my thoughts for a minute. I just couldn't sleep and wanted to see if you were awake. Sorry that I woke you up," I said sheepishly. "No, it's ok," Cry said slowly. He moved over on his bed and beckoned me to sit down. I did just that and leaned against the wall next to him. The question was burning in my mind and I couldn't stop myself from asking. "Why do you wear that mask?" I covered my mouth and started apologizing with wide eyes, when he said it was ok. "You aren't the first person to ask and won't be the last. Snake asked me earlier and I'll tell you what I told him, I don't like the way my face looks and I don't want others to see it," Cry said quietly. It was quiet for a minute before I started talking again. "Did something happen that caused you to see yourself this way?" I saw Cry tense up and not respond so I continued talking.

"What about your family? Did something happen?" Cry continued to tense up and not respond. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I was just curious." I went to get up and go back to the living room, when Cry talking stopped me. "Why do you want to know? There isn't any point since you plan to leave at some point anyway. We probably won't see each other every again," His quiet, soothing voice whispered. I slowly sat back down and turned to face him. "You're the strangest person I've ever met. You helped a stranger and offered your house to said stranger. Nobody else would possibly do that. Why?" Cry looked at me before responding. "I keep telling you that I wasn't going to leave you to die. What part of that don't you understand?" "There were other ways you could have done that," I responded. Cry sighed softly and shook his head. "You were being chased and my house seemed the best place to go since I live alone and nobody but Russ and Scott come here," Cry said. "What about your family? Do they not come here to visit you?" I asked curiously.

"No, they don't. I haven't seen my parents since I was 18 and I don't have any siblings," He said sadly. "Where are they?" He didn't respond for a while and when I accepted that I wasn't going to get a response, he answered. "Last time I saw them, they were going to jail," He said with a shudder. I wasn't expecting that answer from Cry. "What happened to them?" I asked in horror. "I'd rather not say. What I will tell you is that I didn't come from some big criminal family. Maybe someday I can tell you but you'll have to stick around to find out," Cry muttered with the hint of a smile in his voice. "Well I guess I'll have to stick around for a bit," I responded with a small smile. I noticed that it was almost 1 in the morning and should probably let Cry sleep. I told him that I was going to bed and goodnight. He said goodnight as I got up and walked to the door, heading back to the living room. I didn't fall asleep for a while after laying on the couch. 'I will find out what happened to you Cry,' Was my last thought before slowly falling asleep.


I really hope these chapters are coming out alright. I'm sorry I don't talk after chapters. I'm a really shy person with this sort of thing and at first I didn't want to publish this. I'm thinking about trying to make my chapters longer in the next few chapters. I'm going to try and open up a bit more for whoever decides to read these. Next chapter will be published soon!


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